Winter Soldier-Yelena(fluff,angst mention of panic attack)

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Two years ago Yelena and I escaped from Red Room. We were both brainwashed and I was chosen to continue in the Winter Soldier project. They ripped of my left arm and give me metal one. They gave me a supersoldier serum. That was their mistake. I was able to broke out of my cell, find Lena and escape.

Currently we are in the car with her sister Natasha. On our way for a jet that Natasha's contact got.

Yelena told me everything about her 3 years long mission and I was incredibly mad that her fake parents let Dreykov take her and her sister.

Dreykov tortured her. Brainwashed her. The scars on her body that's all his fault. Shit. Not now please just not now. I try to calm myself down but my panic attack is already here.

"What are you thinking about." Lena looks at me from passenger seat.

"Nothing." I smile at her.

She knows I am lying. "Can you stop please." She asks Natasha.

Natasha shots her a confused look.


"Just stop right now." Yelena says louder.

"Okay, okay I am stopping." Natasha pulls up on the edge of the road. Lena gets out of the car. She opens door to the backseat and sits next to me.

"You can go now." She says and climbs into my lap. She hugs me tightly. She calms me down every time. "It's okay love I am here. I am not going anywhere okay. I love you." She keeps mumbling in my ear. She pulls away from our hug and cups my cheek. "I am safe with you okay. Together we will be alright. Everything will be good."

I just keep looking into her eyes. Into her beautiful green eyes.

"I love you too." I whisper in a shaky voice.

I put my hand on her cheek and pull her closer to me.

Our lips melt together in slow kiss. We pull away after couple of seconds and Lena snuggles into my chest again. I wrap my arms around her waist.

Natasha is driving not saying a word but I can see that she looks at me through mirror every couple of minutes.

"Can you stop staring at Y/N?" Yelena asks with annoyed tone.

Natasha sighs. "Sorry I just noticed that she wears gloves like all the time why?" She asks.

I look at Lena. She nods. "I trust her. You can too." Her voice soft and assuring.

If Yelena trust her I do too. I take of my left glove and my metal hand is now visible. Natasha's eyes widened.

"So you are Winter Soldier?" She asks calmly.

I nod. "I have also a supersoldier serum." I say quietly.

She nods. "Thank you for letting me know. You guys can sleep I'll wake you up when we get there."

"Okay thank you." I lean on the door and Yelena lays on me. I wrap my hands around her and place a kiss on top of her head.

She snuggles her face into my neck. "Good night Y/N. I love you and I am always here for you." She mutteres and place a kiss to my neck.

"Good night I love you too."

With that I fall asleep. With my love in my arms.

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