Control-Yelena(angst, fluffy end)

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We were on a mission in Berlin to catch some HYDRA asshole hiding in theatre. Yelena was inside the building undercover.

Steve, Nat, Clint and I were watching and waiting for signal.

"Lena do you copy?" I ask anxiously.


Nat started to be anxious too. "Yelena can you hear me?.

No answer.

"Lena babe say something. Please." I say loudly.


"Listen Y/N I need you to calm down okay. I am going in. Clint come with me. You two, stay here." Steve points at me and Nat and rushes in.

That was exactly 37 days,  16 hours and 34 minutes ago.

And I still haven't got any answer from her.

A hand on my shoulder wakes me from my thoughts.

"Y/N everything will be fine we'll find her okay?"A tear runs down my face. "I know we will"I look at Nat.

She hugs me tightly. We pull away from each other and Nat goes to the controls of the quinjet.

"Nat?" I call after her hesitantly.

"Yes?" She looks at me.

"You know that I've been with Yelena for three and a half years and I know I want to be with her for the rest of my life I love her and I want to be there for her forever. You know my original plan was to ask you about it the day before her birthday, but it went wrong. So I'm asking you now. When we find her I want to marry her I want to be connected to her forever and your blessing would mean so much to me. I promise you I will love and care for her until I die." I let out a  deep breath and wait for Natasha's reaction.

She studies my face and then she smiles "Of course you have my blessing. You two are made for each other and I know that you will protect her. You make her happy. Wait does that mean I am gonna be your sister in law?"  She smirks.


"Then let's find your future wife." She says cheekily and sets autopilot to location Tony and Bruce found.


We landed near the location. Nat, Clint, Steve, Tony and I were ready to go.

"Don't forget guys our main mission is to find Yelena okay don't get distracted"Y/N you search the west building. Report everything suspicious." Steve commands.

I nod. I jump out of the jet and go to my position. I am gonna find you love.


I am in the second floor of the building. I hear footsteps and before I can turn someone jumps me from behind and knocks me down. I immediately rise with a fighting stance.  The attacker is slightly shorter than me and is wearing black armour.

"Where the fuck is Yelena" I say and run at him.

We've been fighting for a few minutes and he's starting to get the upper hand. He throws me through the window and I feel pain in my hand, which is covered in blood. I quickly get up and kick my opponent full force to the bottom of the helmet.

It flies away and I'm face to face with my enemy. I froze.  "Yelena?" I say in a weak voice.

She just looks at me in confusion and then attacks with her fists.

"Yelena love it's me Y/N. Come on." I look right into her beautiful green eyes. "Please you know me."I can see the confusion in her face. "I have to finish what I started." She says and goes with a knife to attack me. I'm dodging her as much as I can. "Lena, I don't want to hurt you. You know who I am. Remember me. Remember us."  "I have no idea who you are." She says angrily. "No, that's not true. You know exactly who I am. We've been together for three and a half years. We've been through a lot together." I say sadly.

Yelena continues to wield the knife and I can no longer run. "Remember when we got together? Under the stars on the base. Or when we threw everyone out just so we could be together."

Yelena looks at me, startled. "That's it. You have to remember." "No" She says and jumps on me. I can barely catch her knife-clutching hands. "Lena it's me" I cry and look into her eyes. "I love you, okay. I love you forever please remember."The cold is beginning to fade from her eyes.

"Our anniversary is July 14th, and it's always just you and me on the roof of the base. You're always playing tough, even if you're just a softie on the inside. You love it when I hold your hand or cuddle you or kiss you. Yelena I love you, just please remember. It's me."

She loosens her grip on the knife and looks at me. "Y/N?" She whispers. "Yes" I smile at her. "You're here, you're here. What happened. I hurt you."She starts mumbling. She drops the knife and pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. I feel her tears and I can't help but cry too.

We'll disconnect after a few minutes. We'll look at each other for I don't know how long. And then our lips are smashed together. A kiss full of passion and love fills me with warmth. Due to lack of oxygen, we disconnect. And I decided to do it.

"Yelena, I know this is probably not the best time, but I finally have to do it." She looks at me curiously. I reach into the front pocket of my vest and take out the ring. I get down on one knee.

"Yelena, I know you don't like long speeches, so I'll cut it short. Since we've been together, I've completely fallen in love with you. My heart is all yours. And I want to be with you for the rest of my days and so I ask you will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" We're both in tears.

"Yes, I will marry you."Yelena mumbles shaking with tears. And I'll put a ring on her finger. "I love you" "I love you too incredibly much."She says and pulls in another passionate kiss.


Then I remember. Shit I forgot to use ear piece. I turn it on. " Hey guys I have Yelena we can go back."

"Is she okay, are you okay. How did you found her." Natasha asks questions. "Yes we are okay. I'll tell you in jet okay?" "Fine but hurry." I groan.

"Is everything okay?" Lena asks. "Your sister is gonna have a lot of questions." I chuckle.

"I can't wait to tell her about us getting married." Lena says happily.

"Ehm. I asked for her permission today." I stated. Yelena's eyes widened.

"How did you know you'll find me?" "I just felt it you know. Even if you wouldn't be here I would be searching for you Forever. You know that."

Yelena smiled at me. "I know, but now we have to stop worrying and enjoy ourselves. Let's tell everyone we are engaged baby." She says and smiles brightly.

"Let's go." I grab her hand tightly and walk out of the building.

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