his sister- Florence (cute, maybe spicy)

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I was 6 when I first met Toby. It was first day of elementary school and I was sitting alone at my desk. Then curly haired boy entered the class and went over to me. "Hi my name is Toby would you mind if I sat with you?" "No sit. My name is Y/n." I offered him my hand and that's how our friendship began. We were trouble to say at least. Skipping school being two little shits together. One time we even pierced tires of the teacher that we hated. We were properly dumb when I think of it now but Toby is my ride or die friend and since that a lot has happened.

I came out to when I was sixteen. Everyone thought that me and Toby will eventually be together so this was big surprise for mine and his family but all of them were supportive. We also started making music together. I can play drums and electric guitar while Toby plays classic guitar and piano. We're both writing songs and by now we already have fanbase. Our tour starts in two months and it's so exciting.

"Okay what if we try this instead of the old tune?" Toby proposed and strum a different tune. We're currently working on our second album. I listen to his tune and sing the words into the rhythm. "Shut that works even better." I say. We work for another couple of hours until Toby's phone rings he answers it and I can tell it's Debbie calling. When the call ends Toby puts down his guitar. "We're having a celebration today it's been another decade of dads restaurant. Do you wanna come?" He asks me. "And don't say no mum wants you there too." He smiles. I sigh "Well than it's settled then. What time is it?" I ask him as I pack my bag. "Round 7" I set up a timer. "You really just set up a timer for that. It's in an hour and half." He laughs. "Tobias shut up you know that I forget everything." I shoot him a look. "Yeah I know it's just my duty to make fun of you idiot." He punches me in the shoulder playfully and we head out of the studio. I get in my car and drive home. On my way there I stop to buy some alcohol so I don't seem rude.

"Y/n you're here already?" Mum asks me and hugs me as I enter the living room. "Yeah we finished earlier. Pughs are celebrating and I am invited so I am heading out in an hour is that okay?" I ask her. "Y/n you're almost thirty you don't have to ask me about that."

"First of all you don't need to remind me of my age. Second of all ouch." I fake being hurt. Also no I am not almost thirty and living with my mum. It's more like my mum is living with me because my dad cheated on her. So 3 years ago I told her to move in with me and now she's not only my mum but also my housemate.

"Oh get over it honey I am over sixty I should be the one hurt." She chuckles. "Besides trust me being thirty is not bad it's the time of your life when big things happen. I got married in my thirties and-" "No stop mum I know where this is heading." I stop her before she starts rambling about me being single. She sighs anoyed. "Honey you have to find someone for yourself. I don't understand how can you be single you're in a band and you play guitar. Chicks dig that." She says. "Mom!" I laugh. "What I am saying the truth!" She mumbles. I walk out of the living room to go have a quick shower. "Unbelievable." I say to myself.

After my shower I put on my favourite outfit and head out to the dinner. When I arrive I knock on the door and couple seconds later Toby lets me in. I go to the living room where  his family already has drinks.

"Y/n!" Debbie shouts and goes to hug me. "I am glad you could make it." She says and Clint hugs me next. "Congratulations on the restaurant." I tell him and he thanks me. Then Raffie hugs me tightly. "I hope you're planning on getting drunk." She whispers. "Of course I am Raf." "Y/n come here I want to hug you." Granny says as she sits in the armchair. "Grannypat!" I go to her and give her a hug. "Oh you've grown it's been a while since I've seen you." She chuckles and pats my cheek. "Yeah I know I've been spending do much time in the studio with Toby I am gonna have grey hair soon because of it." I chuckle. "Is my grandson really that anoying?" She asks. "He's the worst." I respond sarcastically and she laughs.

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