Swimming pool - Florence (fluff)

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We walk hand in hand in the streets of Rome. We're on our way to the house Harris rented out. It's his birthday party and he's throwing it in fucking Rome. That's how you know it's going to be amazing. Flossie's wearing white jeans with a ruffled dark top and her hands adorned by many rings. One being an engagement ring. Our engagement is very recent. It's only been 3 weeks since I got down on one knee and it has been the happiest time of my life. Because we are both in public eye we decided to keep it a secret for now. We've only told our families and we're hoping to announce it to our closest friends tonight.  We've been looking for a right moment to tell our friends.

"It's so hot!" Flo groans and wipes away the sweat on her forehead.

"It's so hot even my boobs are sweating." I joke making her laugh. I reach into my tote bag for water and hand it to Flo.

"Thank you baby." She grasps the bottle and takes a generous sip. I open the maps on my phone and look at how far is our destination.

"Good news. It's only 8 minutes away." I tell Flo and put the bottle back to my tote bag.

"Thank fucking God." Flo says and grabs my hand again.


We're currently sitting outside in the backyard with all of our friends playing truth or dare. Yeah it may be a little childish, but being drunk and playing this game has never been more fun. It's Will's turn. "I want truth."

"Pussy." I mumble loudly enough for him to hear and he laughs.

He spins the bottle and it lands on Livy. "Okay I want you to tell us. Are you seeing someone?" Will laughs at that and then answers. "Nope."

And Flo answers on that. "Will you need to up your game."

Next is me. "I pick dare because I am not afraid." I spin the bottle and it lands on Harris. He claps his hands excited and then smirks.

"Okay maybe I am afraid." I say nervously.

"Y/n darling I want you to throw Flo into that pool." He points his finger towards the massive swimming pool. I look at Flo next to me with wide eyes.

"You better not." She says.

"I am sorry but it's a dare if I don't do it I am loser." I whine trying to convince her. She shoots me a look and I can see the gears turning in her head.

"Okay fine the water better be warm or I am going to drown you in it." She says and gets up from her chair. Everyone start to clap and I quickly catch up with her scooping her in my arms. She wraps her arms around me as I carry her bridal style to the pool.

"I am counting on 3 okay?" I ask Flo and she nods as she holds her nose. "1... 2...3..." SPLASH. I throw her in the pool and turn around to the table and take a bow. "See what I do for this stupid game."

I look at Flo who just emerged from the water. "You are very lucky the water is great." She says. "Will you please hand me my drink and some tissues I am staying here." She tells me and rests against the edge of the pool. I laugh when I see her make up completely ruined.

"Yeah of course." I go to the table and grab her Aperol and some tissues in the other hand. I hand her the drink. She takes it and places it on the edge of the pool. I extend my arm and crouch down to give her the tissues but she just grabs my arms and with all of her strength pulls me into the pool.

At first the water is cold but maybe that's the shock from not expecting this. When I emerge from the water I can hear Flo laughing hysterically along with everyone else. Flo sees me and smiles at me. "Baby I am so sorry but I just had to." She says.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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