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Two years ago, in the year of 852

Kyra sat on a dock watching the waves crash against the shore. The sound of the continuous water rolling and splashing soothed her into a state of serenity and peace.

Scarlet eyes met the contrasting shades of cool blue that engulfed the entire horizon. The gleam of the sun's reflection never ending as white seafoam formed against the damp sand.

She closed her eyes exhaling softly feeling the warm breeze amplify her mood as it caressed her skin in comfort. A reason why she loved to be surrounded by nature. Not only because it feels accustomed to her and her lineage, but it gives her mind a sense of ease.

In a way, it made her feel closer to her family filling her with nostalgia of the short time she had when her family was alive. It spread warmth through her chest as she became reminiscent.

A feeling she would be bound to miss if she was stuck sheltered inside. A longing to be outside, to breathe the fresh air that graced her lungs compared to stale air that has been trapped inside.

In this moment she was content on not moving. She was perfectly fine with doing nothing, but enjoying the simpler things in life that most take for granted. But that's to be expected when very few know the feeling of being trapped and forced against their will; to be nothing more than a slave with a lack of a name to those that held her captive.

Her hand clenched her chest as her eyes grazed over the perputous flow of the ocean currents, carrying the water in a constant but unknown flow beneath the surface.

A sigh left her lips as her mind slowly wandered to darker places.

A slave...that's right. I was nothing more than a number to them. A measly numerical value, in the end another number to dispose of. An easier way to dissociate us from humans; easier to kill us off without much of a thought. Stripping me of any humanity and devaluing my life, entirely.

I was no better than a lifeless doll that held no emotions, no thoughts, no words, just a blank face that they could stitch to their liking and command at will.

Kyra's eyes darkened at the thoughts before she once again focused on the feeling she received from the ocean.

Her head tilted as she spotted a crab scuttling against the dock. She blinked in curiosity before picking the small crab up in her hands.

It sat peacefully in her hands as the sounds of water slowly becoming distant as the sounds of footsteps took its place. Kyra stood up to be greeted by Jean and Armin walking up to her. Kyra sheltered the crab in her palms as she nodded in greeting to Armin and Jean.

"Kyra, we are getting ready to head back to camp." Armin informed.

"Yeah, it's almost shift What's in your hand?" Jean said before he glanced at her covered hands in curiosity.

Kyra looked down for a second before looking up at Jean. " wanna see?" Kyra questioned as Jean walked forward towards her hands wanting to take a peek.

She opened her hands letting him see the crab as Jean leaned closer to look at the shelled creature.

"He's really gentle but don't--" Kyra said before getting cut off as Jean screamed in pain. The crab had pinched onto his nose as it hung from one of his nostrils.

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