Chapter 16- Lurking Secrets

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Rockstar Freddy

It was really horrible that I had to act dead. Sitting in the workshop all day was so boring. At least when everyone was off I could get up and walk around. I went outside and a breeze hit me. It was a bit hard to see with it being night but I looked up and saw all the stars. Then I remembered how Fun Trap like to sit in trees and look up. This was probably why. The stars were scattered everywhere in the sky and it looked so peaceful up there. I sat down on the sidewalk and sighed. I really wish I could go and see her, but she's probably somewhere I'd have no clue about. That was just how she was. "Thinking about something?" I nearly hit the side of the pizzeria. "Freddy seriously I scared you that much?" Fun Trap asked. I blinked for a few seconds. 


"I've been watching you. Every now and then I see you come out here so I thought maybe you'd like to talk." 


"Don't worry I've just been looking around. Nothing fun happens anyways here." 

"What about-"

"Laying low? I mean am I not? I've just been making a portal every few nights to come and see if you were out here or not then tonight you were out here." 

"Well what have you been doing?" I asked. 

"Well I found a place to stay in for the time being, and apparently in my universe there's another animatronic like me." That caught me off guard. I thought she was the only one. "No they can't use plasma if that's what you were thinking. Actually, they can use electricity," Fun Trap added. 

"Does it scare you? You kind of look uneasy about it," I replied. Fun Trap shifted a bit. 

"Yes. It does scare me. I mean she's doing good at keeping it in control but, I just, what happened before in the past-" 

"Don't worry about it. I get the idea. You don't have to talk about it anymore." 

"But the thing is, I do want to talk about it I have so many questions. First off, how? Why? Who? All questions I don't have the answer to. I wish I did."

"So it's another rabbit animatronic?" I asked. Fun Trap laughed a little. 

"Nope. It's a child animatronic. But they seem to be doing well. I've been trying to teach them some things, but electricity is so different from my plasma. I never actually thought of a difference until I started teaching her things. I kind of wish I had someone to teach me now that I think about it. No one ever taught me how to use it I got some lessons from Henry but not many, so almost everything I've found out on my own. But I'm honestly glad it doesn't have to be like that for her. I can only imagine." 

"Well are you doing fine is there anything really wrong there?" I asked. 

"There is, one issue. What if Corruption comes out? I haven't told them yet, because well, it's not something I open up with. I don't want to talk about Corruption either because it could end badly for me. I just, I don't know what to do." I didn't really know enough about Corruption to give an opinion. Then again, it does seem like it's fairly violent. From the one time I saw it anyways. So it kind of was strange to give an opinion.

"You haven't really told me anything and you don't have to anyways about Corruption," I said truthfully. "You told me a general basis, but is Corruption really bad? From what Bryan said, it seemed like Corruption was doing a favor for you by taking control and taking on Springtrap and Molten," I added. 

"It's not as simple as that. It basically feels like fighting with myself. Constantly. I'll be honest I didn't let Corruption out when fighting Springtrap and Molten when you were out because I knew Corruption would hurt everyone else. I didn't want others to get hurt by me. Or rather something inside me. Although I didn't and still don't know how Corruption fully works but if burning down a building says anything suffice to say that it'd be bad," Fun Trap replied. 

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