Chapter 21- Returning

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Fun Trap

I woke up. This was different. Okay. So it looked like I was in some sort of tent. I got up. It looked like it was daytime. I walked out of the tent. Yep. I was somewhere completely different. I remembered being outside of Bryan's pizzeria, and then, I passed out. So maybe this was owned by Bryan? I raised my ears to see if I could hear anyone. My eye was still broken. Wonderful. "Anyways so then the whole place blows up and everything is all crazy and all that." That was Bryan. I followed the sound of his voice, making a mental note on every detail of this place. It might come in handy. Then I saw him. He was sitting at some tables with Rockstar Freddy and two others I never met, or at least one. One looked like Rockstar Chica but pink and white, the other was the black bear. Lefty was it? They seemed like they were talking about whatever happened at the pizzeria. I walked toward them. Rockstar Freddy noticed first. 

"You're awake! Finally!" Bryan jumped at how loud Rockstar Freddy was as he walked over. 

"Uh, yeah. How long was I out for?" I asked. 

"Maybe a week or so." Okay. So that happened. "But now you're okay!" 

"Um who's this?" 

"Oh Funtime Chica this is Fun Trap. Fun Trap, this is Funtime Chica." I waved and Bryan walked over as well. 

"Thank god you're okay. After what happened at the pizzeria I thought you wouldn't wake up for a while," Bryan said. 

"What happened? All I remember is seeing you in the weird room, and before that seeing Molten," I replied. 

"Wait so you don't know anything about what happened for three months?" Bryan asked. Three months?! 

"No I don't." 

"Well it's a good thing you don't. Apparently Molten and Springtrap did something to you and Corruption was in control for three months straight, also almost killed Bryan. But that's basically the gist of it," Rockstar Freddy said. 

"Wait what about A.I. Afton?" I asked. 

"What about him? We haven't been able to find him at all," Bryan said. 

"He must still be at that place Springtrap and Molten were at," I replied.

"Can you tell us exactly what happened? I'm kind of not clear on the details," Rockstar Freddy said. I sighed.

"Okay. So when I was talking to A.I. Afton, Molten came in and I stabbed him. He threw me into the portal and followed me after. We fought for a bit and then A.I. Afton followed us into the portal. Molten said something about A.I. Afton "doing his job" and tried to attack him. Of course I defended A.I. Afton, and then Springtrap came and we fought, he scratched my eye, which never got fixed apparently, but I kept on keeping them at bay until I tried to get Springtrap off of A.I. Afton and then Molten came from behind, but I did, something that made them all be blasted back. After that I passed out and then saw Molten and then the next thing I knew I was looking at Bryan in a weird place," I explained. 

"Yeah we should probably fix your eye. But that's interesting. I didn't know that you took them both on for an extended period of time," Bryan said. 

"I mean I tried and-"

"Hey. You tried and that's all that matters." Rockstar Freddy put one of his hands on my shoulder. "Come on. There's a place where we can fix your eye."

Bryan kept talking about this, theme park. Apparently Helpy built it in secret. I was a bit surprised when he said something about another portal. That was something. "There. That should do it." 

"Yeah this is much better," I said. Finally my eye was fixed. Then I realized. "Wait. I need to go. I need to see someone." I got up and concentrated on my plasma. I created a portal and looked behind me. "I'll uh, see you guys soon I completely forgot about someone who probably is really wondering where I am."

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