Chapter 51- Changes

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All of the Twisted Animatronics who chose to make peace were all fixed. They looked much better. I was still uncomfortable with Molten around. He stayed closer to Lefty though. I didn't complain. The farther he was away from me the better. I was talking with Twisted Wolf. "So what exactly happened when you asked everyone?" I asked.

"Oh Chica and Foxy jumped right on it. They wanted to get fixed for a while. We were promised we'd get fixed by someone, but that didn't work out. Freddy was bitter and Bonnie was interested, but Freddy didn't give me another chance to reason with them," Twisted Wolf answered.

"Man Twisted Freddy seems like a sour person." 

"Always has been." I already had an idea in mind for how to renovate the back of the theme park. Helpy would probably be helpful in figuring out the finer details. 

"Have you ever seen your "master"?" I asked.

"Surprisingly no. He usually talked to us but we never saw him." Well that was weird. So then why would they be scared of them? I'd ask later. 

"Well just try to relax a little and wander around a bit. I bet the other two are at least trying to socialize with everyone else. Maybe you can try too." 

"I'd honestly think they'd hate me."

"Probably. But you haven't done much bad. Yet anyways." Twisted Wolf nodded and walked off. I'll be honest it was weird having these animatronics who a week ago were considered enemies here. I saw Helpy come over. 

"Bryan what are the Twisted Animatronics doing here?"

"Oh we've come up with a compromise. With, some of them. Twisted Freddy and Bonnie don't want to work with us, so we just have to deal with that." 

"Well that's not good."

"No, it isn't. But I have a plan for what we can do with the back of the theme park."

"You do? I thought we were just going to leave it."

"Well we might as well use it right? The Twisted Animatronics can basically have it as their new home," I explained. 

"What did you have in mind?" 

After talking and brainstorming with Helpy I decided to get a new animatronic. Their name was Lolbit, but I was more curious about their personality. It would take a day or two to get here, but if we added more to the roster we could probably open up soon. I went to Circus Baby's Tent, in case anyone was here. Ballora and Baby were playing with Baby's toys. "Hey guys what's going on here?" I asked as I walked to them. 

"We're just playing. I've wanted to talk to Freddy but he's been really busy with Lefty recently," Baby said. 

"I see. Well if I see him I'll let him know you want to talk to him."

"I also wanted to ask you something. Is it really true that the Twisted Animatronics are peaceful now?" Ballora asked.

"I don't know about "peaceful" just yet. But three of them yeah. I'm just worried what else will come of it. The so called "master" seems to be very mysterious in his thinking. I wonder if they'll get other animatronics to help them," I answered. 

"Well then we just have to figure out who this "master" is right?" Baby asked.

"That's easier said than done. Twisted Wolf said he's never seen them. If he's never seen them then we don't know what they look like," I answered. 

"Maybe we need to go in there, and try to find out where they speak from. Maybe a stealth kind of thing?" Ballora asked. 

"A stealth mission? I mean it's worth a try. That might help us figure out who this "master" is." 

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