Chapter 73- Breaking Point

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Fun Trap/Corruption

I slammed him onto the floor. "Well?" Cobalt struggled. "Seriously?"

"That's a much stronger grip." Cobalt was able to get me off and push me back. I summoned her sword. I created three arcs of plasma, which he avoided. I slammed him into the wall. He grunted. 

"Seriously this isn't even a challenge. Twisted Bonnie put up more a fight, which is really disappointing." Cobalt looked concerned. "If you want me to stop then you can just say so." 

"Okay okay stop." What a coward. I dropped him. Cobalt moved away. "Well I guess I kind of failed that." 

"Your nerves are getting in the way." Ray and Rubert were watching. 

"That was really quick," Rubert said. I hated that look Ray gave me. He was trying to think about things.

"So the strength and power increase. Can only assume the plasma gets stronger too," Ray said. Of course he'd analyze it. Why wouldn't he? I wasn't sticking around for this. I let her take control. I could see again. But it only lasted for a moment before I passed out. 

When I woke up I was chained up more. Probably because of Ray. I got up. "I'm assuming you already know what's about to happen." I looked at Ray and growled, and got shocked. I winced. That hurt a lot more than it did before. But why? I couldn't talk. "I know I told Rubert I'd give it a go, but that virus is too dangerous." Well if he wanted to see just how dangerous Corruption is... 

"Are you sure about this?" Corruption asked.

"I'm not sure. He's going to try and break me again." 

"We've only done it once."

"I know. There are probably risks." 

"Are you willing to take them?" I didn't know. I got in a defensive position as he walked up to me with one of those sticks. I moved to the side and slammed into Ray, knocking him back. He grunted. I got shocked in the neck and staggered back. That hurt much more. 

"That seemed to have hurt more, though it's the same voltage." What was going on? Why did it hurt so much? I jumped at him but he moved out of the way, shocking me. Then he slammed my head down. I grunted. "Stay down." I struggled to get up and got shocked. I fell down again. I had enough. I concentrated and focused. It had to work. I could feel Corruption starting to take control. But I was going to be in control of it. I heard Ray backing up as I released a shockwave. I heard him hit a wall. I slowly got up. "That's impossible." I had to struggle to keep my footing. Corruption was still weak. He shot a dart at me and I avoided it, firing a plasma beam which he avoided. I lost my footing for a second but regained it. Was this the risk? Corruption being so tired I can't control it? I attempted to break the chains but it didn't work. "You shouldn't be able to do that." I summoned my sword and created a few arcs of plasma, and one knocked him back into a wall. I could feel myself starting to sleep. But I had to finish this. I had to try. 

"Don't. I'm already exhausted as it is, don't overexert yourself or me for that matter."

"This is my chance to kill him." 

"But you can't break the chains. He could stay over there until you turn back to normal." I needed to try. I tried to walk but fell down. I felt myself going back to normal. I managed to stay awake, though I was too tired to move. Ray got up. 

"You've surprised me yet again." I saw blood on his shirt, which meant I did some damage at least. "I thought you couldn't control it but it looks like you can." I growled and winced as I got shocked. "However now I know what to expect. Hmm. I need to get this patched up. Doesn't look like you're going anywhere for a while." He walked out and I tried to get up. I couldn't. 

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