Chapter 65- Cobalt

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Fun Trap

I was sitting outside. The breeze was crisp. Sadly though, it was night. I noticed there was a big forest nearby a while ago. I decided to take a walk. Once I got into the forest, I looked back. JJ would be sleeping so she shouldn't have to worry about me. I wonder how far the woods went. I got a good distance from the pizzeria. Should probably head back. I was about to head back when I heard movement. Heavy movement. That, wasn't a normal animal. That was the sound of an animatronic. I summoned my sword and charged it up. "Come out whoever you are," I said as I looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. Then it stopped. What in the world? I turned around to go back and got hit from behind. I turned around and slammed them into the tree. They grunted. It was male. "I don't know who you are but you'd better back off," I threatened. My night vision wasn't letting me see their colors well. They must be a dark color then. "Just stay away from me," I said as I swung a plasma arc at them. They avoided it. 

"Woah. I didn't see anything with you doing that." What? 

"Who the hell are you?" 

"You don't need to know that." He came at me. I avoided him and slammed him into a tree, hitting him with a plasma ball. But he wasn't affected? My plasma should have done something. In that moment he jumped on me. I got pinned down on the ground. I wrestled with him trying to get him off. I charged up and made a shockwave. I got up as he walked around in a bit of a daze. I slammed him onto the ground and growled. 

"Well you're experienced. I'll give you that," I said. I heard more movement. I looked in that direction and he overpowered me, forcing me onto the ground. I had enough energy I just didn't know if it'd be a risk making another shockwave. I summoned my sword to me and tried to hit him. but it bounced off. Wait a minute. Nothing could reflect my sword, especially if it was charged. Then I realized. Oh no. 

"Corruption how are you feeling?" 

"Somewhat fine why?" 

"Can you fight?"

"I'm not sure. Still feeling kind of tired from fighting Glitchtrap. Why?" 

"Oh right you can't really read my thoughts like Shadow can." 

"You forgot? About that one single detail? And the one time Shadow is with JJ this happens."

"Yes."  I saw who came out of the overgrowth and growled. "Ray." 

"You know I expected you to put up more of a fight." Did that mean- 

"I mean they kind of did." Ray sighed. 

"Cobalt I was trying to do a dramatic entrance."

"That's not dramatic. There wasn't enough flair or anything like that." Did Ray-

"You know I knew you wanted to hunt me down but making your own robot to do that? Where was your thought process in that?" I asked. Were there any others around? I couldn't really tell since I couldn't raise my ears. 

"I honestly thought that virus would have come out. Maybe it'd put up more of a fight?" Cobalt asked. 

"I was wondering the same thing." Then I think Ray noticed. "Wait. That's- you got fixed." 

"It took you that long to notice?" I asked. 

"No wonder why you're not as aggressive-"

"You want to see me get aggressive?!" I kicked Cobalt off of me and teleported a fair distance away. "Well I'm not really going to. Because I'm not sticking around for this." I teleported as far away as I could. I needed to get back to Shadow. I almost made it out of the woods and I got thrown into a tree. I grunted. "Okay. Now you're tempting me." 

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