Chapter 29- Rivalry

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Fun Trap

I woke up. I looked around me. This wasn't good. Why did this have to happen? "Oh you're awake. Interesting." I growled. "Look I learned my lesson from last time. But, somewhat not at the same time you could say." I heard someone coming and I got up. They came in. "Rubert it's late. What are you doing here?" Ray asked. 

"Oh well I wanted to see it, because, I didn't get a good look at it before," Rubert said. He had a softer voice. Which was different. Ray's was a bit raspy (probably from the fire), Mike had a lower tone of voice. Bryan was just, felt like a normal voice to me. It was interesting all the human voices had different patterns in them, so not every single one was exactly the same. It was sort of confusing, but also fascinating at the same time. 

"Well you got a better look at it can you go now?" 

"Well I just got here. Just, pretend I'm not here." Rubert leaned against a wall. Ray sighed. 

"Excuse this, new person they don't understand my working alone nature," Ray said as he stared at Rubert. Rubert shrugged. I huffed and laid back down. "I hope you're not going to sleep. Because well, that'd just be, boring. I don't think you need much sleep anyways. Considering you slept for a whole day, I'd say you should be fine." While I was perfectly fine, and didn't need sleep, I just didn't want to deal with him. 

"Maybe there's a lack of motivation?" Rubert asked.

"I don't think you understand how this works Rubert." 

"Well I mean, she can't really talk can she? I mean, wouldn't it make more sense for her to talk to you back? I mean, it kind of sounds like you're talking to yourself. Not to be mean or anything," Rubert replied. 

"Won't let me get near her. I've tried many times but she doesn't let anyone go near her." I wonder why. Maybe because of how much of an idiot you are Ray. 

"Isn't that your fault?" Rubert asked. 

"I, well, yes, but, shouldn't be this stubborn," Ray replied. Well, finally someone who understood. 

"You said it was self-learning. Maybe it learned to be stubborn from observing you. You're stubborn too, you know," Rubert said. I turned my head slightly to see his reaction. Rubert's face was calm. Ray's had a tinge of anger. I wondered if Ray was short-tempered. It'd explain a lot of things I've seen. 

"Most people don't notice." I turned my head back to the wall. 

"I'm guessing you're going to at least try to sleep?" Shadow asked. 

"Maybe. I don't see a point being awake, and all that."

"Maybe you can hear something that can help get you out of here." 

"Maybe. I'm not sure he'd talk about it anyways." Shadow appeared on the wall. 

"Well try and see. If you want, I can try and see what they talk about."

"Isn't that a bit risky Shadow?" I asked. 

"Maybe. But it'd give me something to do." Before I could say anything Shadow disappeared. I attempted to sleep. Through all the noise, I raised one of my ears. There was a river about a few yards away. I imagined myself there, sitting near the river, looking at the water moving, seeing the fish move through the water, as a crow called and another replied. I fell asleep after a few more minutes. 

One thing I noticed. The thing on my nose was off. It was on a desk. No one was in the room. I got up and formed a plasma ball. Maybe if I shot enough at the wall, it'd break? The burn marks were still there and guilt hit me. Parts of this place wouldn't heal at all. That I was glad about. But, all those others, who did nothing wrong, I shook my head. Now wasn't the time. I shot it at the wall and it dented a bit. It'd take a couple hundred most likely. I could only do five more before I started to get tired (I tested it myself). Okay. Maybe that wasn't going to work. He would definitely notice. I sighed. I had to find another way. I looked around. There wasn't anything around. I concentrated and summoned my sword. Maybe I could break these. I swung my sword at one of the chains but it just bounced off. "Of course. Because they have to impenetrable to my sword." I made my sword disappear as someone came in. 

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