Chapter 54- Strange

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Balloon Girl/JJ

It was weird trying to adjust to her new core. It, was really weird. The pulses it was giving off were powerful, and it concerned me. I could feel a small pulse when we were at William's house but it must have been a serious optimization. "You're thinking hard again," Fun Trap said. 

"Sorry. It's just, strange trying to adjust to your new core. It's powerful that's for sure. Hopefully like Henry said it'll dampen down." We were back at the pizzeria as Henry was ready and comfortable with Fun Trap leaving. She had a few days to adjust to it. I was amazed at how well she handled it. 

"Fascinating isn't it? I'm impressed how much power that is." Evil me really liked to talk a lot now. I mean every now and then we do our little change, which at least makes them happy. The less I have to deal with them the better. I don't like them. 

"I feel better. Honestly much better. And don't worry. Besides changing the metal that my suit is and the upgrade to my core, I'm still me." I had to agree with that. "I've been noticing it day by day but you're getting stronger. Which is good. I need to catch up on my practice too actually," Fun Trap said. 

"Just be careful please," I replied. 

"I won't overdo it. I don't want to overdo it honestly." 

"When are you going to train BB?" I asked. 

"That's still a bit of a ways to go. I want you to at least get a bit more stronger before I let you go unsupervised." 

"But he needs practice too."

"Don't worry he'll get it. I just want to focus on you first though," Fun Trap replied. 

"I get that but we can train together." 

"Remember how I mentioned you two have different ways of using your electricity? That's what I meant. You guys can't train together because I can only teach one thing at a time. I see that you're unhappy with this, which I understand but please also try to understand it from my side. I'm still trying to learn how to train you and what to do. It's still a work in progress for me." She did seem to be a bit slower with teaching me. But she's been trying to do what she can. 

"Okay. Just, keep it in mind?"

"I'll keep it in mind." 

After a day or two I was talking to Puppet. "Really?" Puppet said.

"Yeah. Henry was really happy to see her."

"Well I would hope so. I don't remember the last time he saw her. Probably thought she was dead."

"Well she can't really die can she?" I asked. 

"In a way I think she can. I think you'd have to erase her memory. Best way I can think of. Or just destroying her core. Then she wouldn't be able to turn on."

"She mentioned that before." 

"Though Ray concerns me."

"She's been somewhat on edge. And I'm a bit worried," I admitted. 

"Well she can't not be. Ray is what he is we can't change that. Sadly." BB walked over. 

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