Chapter 55- Focusing

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Honestly I didn't have much to do. Besides every now and then check in with Linda, and talk to the other animatronics, there was nothing else I could do. Except manage the place and keep it up. I was hoping to open next week. That'd give us some revenue and I could just close off the back until I can renovate it. Most of the preparations were complete for opening, so all I really had to do was just rinse and repeat. Until I got some of Fun Trap's code. I wanted to make my own animatronics. Ones that I patented and that are owned by me, so I can make a separate place sometime. Expand basically. Using Fun Trap's code sample would give them access to learning on their own, and branching out into different personalities instead of being just one. It'd make them more likable to an audience and to each other. It'd be interesting to see how their personalities vary. Frankly I was really looking forward to it. One of the first things I had to do first though was make the coding for all four. Simple enough though. I had an idea of what I wanted for the animatronics, but I'd need to make some blueprints to get exact details right and revise them at least twice to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. I was working on the coding of the last animatronic and I heard someone come in. I turned around and it was Molten. "What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I wanted to ask you something." 

"Go on." Molten seemed uncomfortable. 

"I know you probably don't like me and all that, but Lefty said I should ask you if you could fix me. I'm pretty bent and broken down, and was wondering if you'd fix me up. We thought it'd be a good idea to help against the Twisted Animatronics left. Possibly with a new metal," Molten said. I thought about it. On the plus side Molten is very good at fighting and would be a big help in fighting them off, however I wasn't very sure. Lefty seems confident that Molten can change though. So I could try. 

"If I fix you up, I do it my way. No complaining or anything on how I do it," I said. 

"Fine by me." I turned back to my computer and continued writing the code. "What are you even doing?" Molten asked.

"Writing code for new animatronics I want to make," I answered. 

"I didn't know you knew how to do coding."

"Here and there in college. Touched up a little later on in life, not specifically for this moment, but using it here seems like a good idea instead of letting it waste away," I replied. Molten walked up. 

"Why does the root look strange? I haven't seen that before," Molten said. 

"That root is a sample from Fun Trap's coding. I got permission to copy some of it to work on my own animatronics. Probably looks strange because most of you were most likely made by Afton. So of course you'd not be familiar with this, since this seems to be more of Henry's coding from her universe," I explained. 

"Well that'd explain it. Seems like he put more thought into it." 

"Which is great for me. It's so simple, yet effective. The root is like well, a root. over time, a sort of tree grows. It branches off into different emotions, and the memory bank categorizes certain memories into certain branches. Kind of a sorting system. So when they think of something like that it'll correspond to that emotion," I said. 

"All from that root?"

"Yeah." That's why I was so fascinated by it. It did everything that would take years to do manually. Henry thought ahead for the long term, which is something I wasn't expecting. This was like, forty years ago too. If he modernized Fun Trap's system, what would she be like? That got me curious. "There's going to be five of them if you wanted to know. I'm going to make them out of steel. I'm assuming if you want a strong metal one of the best options would be tungsten. It's durable and tough," I added as I worked. 

"That sounds, actually like a good idea." 

"Well I've had plenty of time to think about a lot of these things especially repairing some of you guys every now and then." I finished the coding for the fifth animatronic and sighed. "That's about it for today. I'll work on the blueprints tomorrow. Hopefully get at least two done by the end of the day," I said. 

"You're planning ahead? That's a surprise," Molten replied. I got up and stopped at the door.

"I've had time to grow and change Molten. Maybe you need to as well." I walked out, and headed for the hotel.

The next day I was very excited. Working on these five was going to be a big project, but it would work out in the end I know it. The blueprints for the first one were one of the harder ones. I wanted it to be an alligator animatronic. Since it's not really been thought of before. But it'd be difficult just because of the problem with having to work out the jaw and the tail. I wanted these guys to also be based off 80's rockstars. A bit of a nostalgia trip for some of the adults. I wanted him to also have a mohawk. The tail might be an issue too. I'd need to figure out the right size and length, so it's not too long, but not too short either. That was one of many issues that I had in mind. However getting this one done was more better for me, because the others wouldn't be as hard. In my head anyways. After getting the head done I decided to take a break. I walked out of the repair area and just took a nice stroll. The sun felt nice after the past few days had been slightly overcast. The wind was a bit chilly but we were moving into the fall, so I wasn't very surprised honestly. I saw Rockstar Foxy talking to Twisted Foxy. So those two were getting along. I had no doubt in my mind that Twisted Chica and Funtime Chica would get along well. Twisted Wolf, didn't really have anyone to really get along with. Maybe Rockstar Freddy but that might be a bit of a stretch. Of course Lefty had Molten, so there didn't seem to be a problem there. Thankfully. I walked over to the tree that Rockstar Freddy liked to sit in, and saw him sleeping. Did he stay up late? Or was he just being lazy? Molten came over. "Now what are you looking at?" Molten asked. 

"Freddy." I pointed to Rockstar Freddy who was still sleeping. 

"And why is he up there?"

"Most of the others can't do this so it's nice to not really be noticed or just ignored. Allows me time to think," Rockstar Freddy said as he looked at us. 

"You're starting to adopt some of her habits you know," I said to Rockstar Freddy. 

"She's starting to adopt some of mine too so we're even," Rockstar Freddy replied. "Haven't seen you for a bit what are you up to?" Rockstar Freddy asked.

"I'm working on the new animatronics I want to make," I answered.

"Oh well good luck. I don't know anything about that so I wouldn't be able to help," Rockstar Freddy replied.

"If you need help I guess I can help. I've see some of Afton's creations so I can probably give you a second opinion on some design and mechanical choices," Molten said.

"See? You're good now. I do suggest that you revise your ideas. It might be better to double check in case you miss something," Rockstar Freddy said.

"That's what I plan to do. I want them to be as close to perfect as I can get," I replied. 

"Perfection is a false idea honestly," Rockstar Freddy said. 

"Well we're all entitled to their own opinions. That's a fact," I replied. 

"True. But go on I want to sleep for a while longer. I might start doing a night patrol with Lefty and one of the Twisted's. I'll have to ask Twisted Wolf who will be better for the job," Rockstar Freddy said. 

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Well I need something to do. Maybe Molten can join us when he's fixed up though I highly doubt it."

"I wouldn't mind. Especially if I get a chance to get one of these Twisted Animatronics," Molten replied. 

"Okay. Well then that's a plan. Now I do want to go back to making those blueprints so I'm going to head back," I said. 

"I'll come with you. I said I'd help you so I might as well help you out with your blueprints," Molten said as he walked beside me. At least there was some improvement. 

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