Chapter 34- The Evil Side

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Balloon Girl/JJ

"Okay try again." I moved to the side and teleported as BB jumped at where I was before. "Nice job." 

"That was quick." Mike came in through the door. 

"What's going on in here?" Mike asked.

"We're just practicing. I wanted to show BB a bit more things that he can do with his speed."

"Oh? Like what?" Mike asked. 

"Like a charge attack. Show him BB." BB sprung forward with incredible speed and was in front of Mike.

"Wow that's pretty impressive. Nice job." 

"Oh yeah Mike you said you were having power issues with your tablet?" I asked. 

"Yeah. The dang thing keeps flickering constantly." 

"Can I see it?" I asked. 

"Uh yeah come on." I followed Mike and BB followed behind. When we got to the office I climbed on the desk. BB tried to get up and teleported up after a while. "It's doing it right now." Mike showed me his tablet and he was right. It was flickering a lot. I put my hand on it and focused. It was a power problem. I took my hand off of it.

"Put it on the desk." 

"What are you going to do?" Mike asked.

"You'll see." Mike put it on the desk. I put my hand back on it and focused on my electricity. I let some if it run to the battery of the tablet, and the rest to the screen. "Try it now." Mike picked up the tablet. 

"Wow it runs so much more smoothly." 

"The electricity inside of it was sort of, stuck in a way. I used some of mine so that it would work. I wasn't being conducted properly," I replied.

"Well it works just fine now. Thank you JJ." I nodded. 

"Hey JJ wanna go see Puppet?" BB asked.

"Oh yeah! I wanted to check in on Puppet. We'll be back Mike." We went through the vents and I stopped at the Toy Animatronics stage. I looked up and saw them all off. Good. None of them would hurt Mike. At least, not yet. 

"Come on JJ what are you looking at them for?" BB called. 

"Oh right coming." I teleported to where BB was. I knocked on the box. "Hey Puppet can you come out?" I asked. I heard moving around in the box and saw Puppet come out. 

"Oh hey you two what's going on?" Puppet asked. 

"Check this out!" BB sprung forward and hit his head on the box. "Ow." I chuckled a little. I could tell Puppet was trying to not laugh. "Well, I'm still working on it. But it's cool right?" BB asked.

"Of course. I see you've been teaching him some things JJ?" Puppet asked.


"But what if you destroyed him instead?" I jumped. 

"Something wrong?" Puppet asked. I shook my head. 

"Oh I'm fine. I just, something weird came over me. I wanted to ask. How have you been holding up?" I asked Puppet. Puppet sighed.

"Honestly, not great. She was here, I saw her with my own eyes here. Now, she's not here. I just, feel a bit empty is all. Yeah. Empty." I felt bad for Puppet. 

"Well maybe you can watch us practice a bit? Maybe that could cheer you up?" I asked. 

"I don't know if that will. But I can at least give it a try." 

FNaF Two Worlds Collide (Remake!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon