Chapter 27- Strategy

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I was more or less scared. I knew Twisted Wolf was around somewhere. Freddy said he had an encounter with Twisted Freddy, which wasn't good either. I was starting to worry more and more. What if the others came around? Honestly, I don't even know why they turned on in the first place. I walked up to Rockstar Freddy. "Can you tell me about what happened with Twisted Freddy? All you said was that he came around," I said. 

"Well I mean do you want the long story or short story?" Rockstar Freddy asked. 

"I think I'll go with the short story." 

"Long story short, Twisted Freddy was about to attack me and Baby when Fun Trap came out of no where and beat him up, told me she wouldn't be around for who knows how long, and left." 

"Wait she came here?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Pretty good timing too." 

"She's still here right?" I asked. Rockstar Freddy sighed.

"No. She had to go. Confronting someone or something I think I'm not fully sure," Rockstar Freddy replied.

"Man. That kind of sucks."

"She didn't seem too happy about it though. She hasn't come back, and uh yeah." 

"Well that's weird. But, I think we should focus on the current problems at hand. We've got to figure out a way to deal with these Twisted Animatronics. They know what they're doing." Rockstar Freddy started to think. 

"Could someone be controlling them? It'd make sense wouldn't it? That could explain why they're so precise in their attacks. Most of them don't seem like the thinking type. Or Twisted Wolf could be the leader. That's another possibility. He seems more calculated than the rest. I'd honestly say he could give Fun Trap a run for her money," Rockstar Freddy said. 

"Maybe. If someone was controlling them, who would it be?" I asked. 

"Springtrap? He might not have died." 

"Freddy. Springtrap is dead. He's nowhere to be found and plus, you and Fun Trap saw him die." 

"We didn't actually see him die. Just, fall. We didn't really get a real good look of what happened after. Since you know, we got out of there as fast as possible." Could it be a possibility? I don't think he would be alive. Helpy said that portal was really unstable. So maybe he barely survived. But, that wouldn't make sense either. Would it? Helpy came over.

"I heard you guys talking about the Twisted Animatronics." 

"Yeah. We're trying to figure out if someone is behind all of this, or if they're just going straight for it." 

"It seems like someone or something is in control. They knew we were coming here, and those weren't there last time I checked. That's why I was so nervous." 

"So someone deliberately placed them there?" I asked Helpy. 

"Yes. It would seem so." 

"Do we know for sure it wasn't Twisted Wolf? I mean, he wasn't there with the others originally." 

"He may have just been waiting for the right time to come out?" Rockstar Freddy asked. 

"Maybe. We don't really know for sure. I guess we have to wait and see." 

"Maybe we could trap one of them? Try and force them to talk?" I asked. 

"We all know that would be harder than it sounds. They're strong, fast, and cunning. They could probably figure out what we're doing," Helpy answered. 

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