Chapter 47- Sticking Together

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I had another talk with Linda, and things were going well. The Twisted Animatronics didn't seem to be attacking as often. But I didn't want to think it was over just yet. It's been about a week since Fun Trap left, so I've been sticking to the other animatronics. Rockstar Freddy tagged along with me a lot, and talked about how progress was going. "I don't know Bryan I feel like I've done all I can," Rockstar Freddy said. 

"I mean if you think you have, then just prepare them. Maybe we can figure out a solution to the problem that doesn't really involve a lot of violence," I replied.

"You'd want to try diplomacy?" Rockstar Freddy asked.

"I mean it's worth a try right? Maybe we can just talk to them about it and then it'll be over. We won't have to worry about them." 

"But are you sure it will work? They seem pretty ruthless," Rockstar Freddy said. 

"Well all we can do is try." So I had to think, what would be a compromise? They looked pretty beat up and broken. I bet I could fix them up. I had some experience fixing animatronics up, if anything Rockstar Freddy and Fun Trap have done count as repairs. Plus, they looked like they just need their suits fixed up. Maybe some improved adjustments to their endoskeletons. That could work. Then I could give them a part of the park they can share with one of the other animatronics. Or I could renovate that old place behind the theme park, and let them have it. That could be a better compromise. "I have an idea that might work. Something they might not back down from," I said. 

"I'll get Lefty and Rockstar Foxy. That way if we come across one we can try and talk it out. If that doesn't work we'll attack," Rockstar Freddy replied. 

"Sounds good to me." When Rockstar Freddy walked away I started to wonder. If Twisted Bonnie was the leader, maybe we could talk to him. Rockstar Freddy said Fun Trap gave him a piece of her mind. So maybe he wouldn't be back for a while. I waited a few more minutes and Rockstar Freddy came over with Lefty and Rockstar Foxy. "Are we ready to go?" I asked. 

"What are we doing exactly?" Rockstar Foxy asked. 

"We're going to walk around for a while, see if any of the Twisted Animatronic pop out. If they do, we'll try to take a diplomatic approach before anything," I answered. 

"That's a possibility. Might as well give it a try," Lefty said. 

After walking around for a while we didn't see any Twisted Animatronics. Which was strange. But once we were heading back I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. It was Twisted Wolf. Rockstar Foxy looked nervous, and Rockstar Freddy and Lefty stood tall. I took a deep breath and walked over to Twisted Wolf. "Twisted Wolf I want to talk," I said. Twisted Wolf growled. 

"There is nothing to talk about," Twisted Wolf replied. 

"Yes there is. I think I've come up with a compromise," I said. Twisted Wolf looked surprised. 

"Such as?" Twisted Wolf asked.

"Well I've seen how much you guys are in disrepair, which honestly I don't think is good for you especially in bad weather. I could fix you guys up, and the back part of the theme park I could clear that out and completely redo it. Then I could get rid of the wall and make it a place where people can come in, and see you guys. I don't fully know what you want, and I don't think I'll be able to understand what you guys have been through, but if I can help then I want to do so. I think it would give you guys another chance. If you're not comfortable with just the back that's fine I can clear out some of the area around it to make it bigger for you guys. I just don't want to have to have everyone fight if there's a different option and way to go about this," I answered. Twisted Wolf was thinking about it from the looks of it. 

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