Chapter 74- Opportunity

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Balloon Girl/JJ

It was time. "Shadow. You ready?" I asked. Shadow nodded. Shadow created a portal. 

"I'll follow after you." I nodded and jumped in, feeling Shadow enter mine. We came out in the woods near a building, as the portal closed behind us.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Tired. It took a lot but we made it." I looked at the building. I could make out marks on the sides. 

"This, wouldn't happen to be the same building Corruption burned down?" I asked.

"It is." Oh okay. Thankfully for us, it was night. We had the idea that if it was night in Bryan's world it'd be night here. Which we were right. "You have I think five hours roughly to get this done." 

"It won't take that long." I looked at the top of the building. Mike had vents in the office. This place must have vents. I concentrated as hard as I could, and imagined myself on the top of the building. I almost fell off but regained my balance. "Vents. I need a vent." I looked around and saw one. I took the cover off. Just big enough for me. So, I went in. 

It was dark. Luckily Shadow could help guide me. "I think we're near the back. So I'll tell you when to take another direction."  So I continued. 

"Feels weird that I can just do this. For being a really smart person he doesn't have a vent system that can protect the place if anything gets in?"

"He might not have expected you." If he hasn't, good. "Okay take a right." I took a right and continued moving along the vent. "Stop. There should be a grate in front of you a ways." I saw it and crawled up to it, looking down. There was nothing. "This was the place where she was. Hmm." Shadow took a second to say anything. "I can just barely make her out. She's in a different room. I don't know where." I sensed some cameras in that room. I broke the grate and it fell down. "What are you doing?"

"This." I jumped down and sent my electricity across the room, deactivating the cameras. 

"You knew there were some there?"

"I could sense them. Wait. I know how to find her!" I didn't know why I didn't think of it before. I focused on everything in this place. A strong pulse was coming from the left. I walked out of the room and headed toward it. It took a minute or two to find it, but I found the room. 

"There's a keypad."

"Now there's not." I shocked the keypad and it short-circuited. I heard the door unlock. Here we go. I got a hold of the handle and opened the door. The lights were out. That, did not help. I found the light switch and turned it on. She was sleeping. Though she didn't notice. Why? I walked up to her. "Uhh Fun Trap? You good?" I asked. I felt Shadow leave. After a moment she got up, but Corruption was in control. 

"She's, kind of out of it right now. Also. What the hell are you doing here? How did you find this place?"

"One; I came to rescue her. Two; Shadow made a portal and we came here," I answered. Corruption sighed. "Look can you not argue with me right now? I want to get out of here as fast as possible," I said. 

"Hah. You won't get anywhere."

"Why?" I noticed Corruption was chained up. 

"These resist her abilities and yours aren't made for this kind of thing. However there is a way to unlock them." 

"How?" I asked. 

"Shadow said Ray keeps the keys in his personal lab. So you'd have to go there." 

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