Chapter 63- Probably

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"To be honest, I don't know. It doesn't seem like Ray would want to. Probably wants to avoid him as much as he can. I don't know honestly. But it's highly unlikely." I mean it would make sense. If Henry made her, it'd be smart to go to him and get information about her. 

"Hey I was wondering. You never told me how you actually run on your energy. You don't have to if you're not comfortable telling me," I said quickly. 

"I don't mind telling. Actually probably better to show." I noticed she fiddled with one of her chest plates, and it came off. "It's magnetic. So don't worry it'll go back on."

"That's cool," JJ said. I, saw something glowing inside. It was glowing blue. But I couldn't see it. 

"It's kind of hidden obviously, so you gotta be careful." 

"With what?" 

"What you think I can move those wires? No my hands are too big for that. Yours however.." 

"I can try." I moved some of the wires around. I noticed some were colored, and others were for holding the endoskeleton. I saw the blue light get brighter and cleared a few more wires. "Wow." It, was amazing. It was a sort of circular container, sort of see through. I could see blue moving around in it, with discs as protection. "It's amazing." 

"It's my core. Think about it like my heart." I saw a few of the wires connected to it had blue in them, and it was moving. "Some of the wires transfer to my arm, allowing me to use my plasma." I put the wires back in place. Molten came in. 

"The hell are you doing?" Molten asked. I looked at Fun Trap. 

"Hrrgh fine he can know." I motioned for Molten to come over. He saw her core. 

"You know, that explains a lot. It's so similar to the portal timer."

"That's what I was wondering too," Fun Trap said. 

"I don't want to say it's a portal timer, but it gives reason why you can control the portal, and make your own." 

"But the thing is, it's blue Molten. Not green."

"That's what I'm wondering. What if Henry found a portal timer-"

"Are you suggesting there's more?" I asked. 

"Possibly. But if Henry found a portal timer, and studied it. What if he altered it to be able to allow you to use your plasma, but not realize it has the capability of well, making and controlling portals." 

"Just how similar?" I asked. Molten pulled something out of him. 

"Take a look." They looked almost the same. It's just that there were some big details that were different between them. But they had the same structure, and looked so similar. 

"It's a possibility. But I didn't really think of that myself." 

"If that's the case, then there has to be a portal in your universe," Molten said. 

"Like I've said before if there is, I don't know where it is." 

"Maybe you can find it? If you can control portals and make them, could you sense them?" JJ asked. 

"That's, actually a good question," Fun Trap replied. "I don't know. Maybe. If this is a portal timer inside of me just modified, possibly. Can this portal timer do that?" Fun Trap asked. 

"Not sure." Molten put it back in him, and Fun Trap put the plate back on. 

"But what about that other person? What if he found out about it?" JJ asked.

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