Chapter 33- Actions

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Fun Trap

"Stand your ground!" I struggled to try and get the people away from me. I got in a defensive position and growled. Ray walked up to me. But not too close. "I knew you'd try and escape but I didn't think you would so soon. I was thinking maybe a few more days." The two people holding the chains on the clamp on my nose looked surprised. I took that chance to try and attack one of them, but the other pulled against me and I was back in the same position. "Trying to attack won't work I hope you can see that," Ray said. I had to. There had to be a way to do this. Ray pulled something out of a pouch. "Now then we'll just knock you out and we can forget this ever happened." I charged up my plasma. As he shot the thing at me I blasted it and it broke into several pieces. He backed up in recoil and I growled. I charged up my plasma again. "Well you still have a few tricks left." All the anger I felt right now, I could feel it starting to kick in.

"Just leave me alone!" I hissed in Robotic and everyone was blasted back into the walls. I was so close to the exit. I ran toward it and slammed against the door. I could hear it opening. I slammed against it again and it opened. They were all still in shock. Gave me a good head start. I got a few feet outside and I was shocked. I grunted. What in the world? I tried to go forward again and I got shocked. Well that's not normal. I growled in frustration. I heard a sound and something hit me. "Grr not again," I mumbled as I collapsed. I could hear Ray walking up to me. 

"Well. I see you figured it out. By giving you a false sense of control over the situation, you thought you could get away. Though that shockwave wasn't expected." I grunted and tried to get up. "Still going huh? Well, you're strong. I'll give you that. But, we can't have that resilience here. So, we'll have to break you first." 

"I won't let that happen," I hissed. 

"Well you don't really have a choice do you?"

I woke up to Ray and Rubert arguing. "Ray you don't need to do this. Stop using force and maybe use something else besides it. She doesn't like you using force at all!"

"Rubert there is no other way. We have to do this. I don't want it to be like this, but we have to. She won't listen by any other means."

"She would! If you just gave her a chance-" 

"Go do your assignment for today Rubert." There was a moment of silence and I heard footsteps walking away. Ray came in. "I'm guessing you heard that?" I huffed. "Seems you did. He's just starting out, so I don't give him that hard of a time." If that wasn't giving him "a hard time" I was wondering what it was like when he would give someone a hard time. "Anyways I have some plans. Of course, you'd hate them but they're honestly not bad in my opinion." I growled. Then I got shocked. "If you'd stop doing that you wouldn't have to be shocked at all." 

"If you would just leave me alone no one would have to get hurt," I hissed. 

"Well we all have to take risks don't we?" I turned my head away. "We both have taken risks that we weren't willing to take, but we had to take that risk regardless." 

"If only you knew the amount of risks I've taken," I said quietly. I had to make so many. I needed to keep everyone safe. I couldn't let anyone else get hurt because of me, or by my own personal problems. 

"Hm. You're thinking about something." As if it wasn't obvious already. "If you don't want to talk that's fine I can tighten that clamp if you want me to. Of course, only me and Rubert can hear what you say." It was odd that only Ray and Rubert could hear me talking in Robotic. It was basically hissing and creaking noises. I'd have to teach JJ sometime. 

"Well considering you and Rubert are the only ones who can hear me it doesn't really seem like much of an issue," I mumbled. It didn't take much to talk in Robotic. I practiced so much that I barely even had to open my mouth to talk in Robotic. Though it made everything harder trying to talk without anyone knowing what you're saying. Henry could understand me too. Then again, I barely used Robotic around him. 

"Seems like you're thinking again." Ray sat on his desk. "If you're thinking about escaping you're wasting your time. That shock collar will keep you in the boundaries of this place. There's no way around it." So that's what this thing was. But, he didn't know I could make portals. I don't think it worked on inter-dimensional travel. "I wanted to make sure you couldn't escape after the previous events that transpired." 

"Most of them were your fault," I spat. 

"True. Most of it was. But, some of it was yours as well. You let the virus take control of you am I wrong?" 

"Well typically when something offers me an escape from someplace that I hate I'm willing to say yes," I answered. "Besides. You were the one who put that program in me in the first place. If you never did, none of that would have happened. You wouldn't be limping either," I commented. I noticed it a day or so ago that Ray limped on his left leg. It never happened before. Only recently. So it must have happened in the fire. I wonder what caused it. Did something fall on him? 

"I was just trying to figure out how your energy system works, since it seems you energy is linked to your plasma am I right?" He was trying to figure out about my core. I couldn't let that happen. But, he already knew that my energy came from my core, and so did my plasma. But he didn't know my core existed and thought it was some other source. So he'd know I was hiding something if I said no. 

"While it is, it's not really any concern of yours," I replied. 

"Well eventually I'll figure it out so I don't see why you're worrying so much." 

"I'm going to get out of here before then I hope you know that," I said. 

"Doubtful. I mean, there isn't really much out there left for you since Charlotte died. Plus, let's be honest you're better off here for now. If I can remove that virus then maybe I'll think it over but for the time being you are dangerous and unstable. So you can't be out in the world doing, whatever you do." That hit hard. I charged up my plasma. 

"It's not my fault some people do unexpected things that you can't predict," I replied angrily. 

"Well I don't see why you couldn't have stopped it I mean-" 

"I was locked in Parts and Service when all of that happened. So I couldn't do anything until it was too late," I interrupted. 

"It's rude to interrupt people," Ray said as I got shocked. I winced. 

"Then maybe listen to the whole story for once," I said. Rubert came in. 

"There I finished it." 

"Good. Everyone has to pitch in here. You'll learn that as you stay here longer." Rubert looked at me. 

"She's angry." 

"Oh I know. I brought something up that she didn't like at all." 

"Well I don't think it's a good idea to make her angry." I felt my plasma fully charged. I didn't want Rubert in the way of what I was about to do. Rubert backed off a little. Did he- no. He couldn't. But, how? I had to think about that later. As quick as I could I shot a plasma ball at Ray, knocking him back. 

"Then don't mention it again," I hissed. Ray got up. 

"You're starting to really piss me off." 

"I mean you did anger her in the first place. So, it's your fault that happened," Rubert replied. "Also, did you notice how fast her expressions change? It's really strange to see expressions change so fast." Now that was even more confusing. 

"Rubert I don't exactly pay attention to all the details like you." 

"I think you lack empathy. Maybe if you learned what empathy is then you'd understand what I mean." So Rubert could read my expression. He wasn't wrong. I didn't stay angry for sad for long, because too much would let Corruption out. I wouldn't mind Corruption killing Ray, but not all these other people. They weren't the ones who deserved it. 

"If I lack it, then I don't want it. I'm not a "one with everything" kind of person Rubert. Not like you anyways." 

"Well maybe you could try?"

"How about we focus on what's going on right now Rubert." 

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