Special Chapter 4/4

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So much to learn. In so little time. We had about a month. I was nervous. Of course how could I not be? I was going to fight another animatronic. With much more experience than me. I didn't have an ability like theirs, and I had to fight them. This was, going to be great. I appreciated Rubert for helping me learn more about, basically everything. Ray was really busy though. Why I don't know. I would like to talk to him more. I mean, he did create me after all surely he would want to socialize with me, see how I'm doing and whatnot. He probably would. It'll just take a while. "So what are you thinking about?" Rubert asked. We were sitting in one of the rooms, reading. It, kind of just stuck. 

"Thinking. I feel like that's all I do. All I do is think and nothing else," I answered. 

"Well you've only been online for a month. It might take you some time to develop more emotions."

"Emotions?" I asked.

"Like being happy, fascinated, sad, angry, all of those are emotions. Ray coded you to learn, just a bit more, slowly. Don't know why though."

"I bet he has a reason," I said. Rubert, looked at me weird. Did I do something wrong? I went back to reading the book I was reading. It was about history. History was cool. There was a lot of things that happened in history, people who were written in history, that's what Ray wanted right? He wanted to be known for something. 

"How do you feel about Ray?" Rubert asked. 

"That's an odd question."

"Roll with it," Rubert replied.

"Alright. I mean, he created me. Of course I respect him for doing that. He has a reason for doing what he does, and most of it is good right?" I asked. 

"What do you think about him not really talking to you?"

"He has better things to do." Rubert was silent for a while. 

"We'll wait until you're slightly older before I tell you." 

"Tell me what?" I asked. 

"You don't want to know right now. Better off you don't know." 

"Uhh okay." I was reading a book on Greek mythology. Now this stuff was cool. Gods, monsters, and all kinds of stuff. It was so fascinating. "Actually, I have a question."

"Alright what is it?"

"Ray's doing the right thing. Why is this other one trying to stop him. He's trying to better humanity but the other one doesn't think he is or something like that," I said. 

"Oookay I need to stop you right there. Ray and Fun Trap have a very complicated relationship. They know each other well, as they've known each other for a long time. It's more of, Ray likes to use force a lot, which just makes her not want to listen, because she doesn't want to be forced to do something that she doesn't like. However she's stubborn and they don't see eye to eye," Rubert explained. 

"So they're both at fault?"

"Right." That sounded weird with it being explained. But I didn't think about it that way. "I think you'll probably be able to communicate to them better. We, don't really know how she interacts with others fully but she might hate you at first."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Well you're basically going to duke it out. Either way she won't like you because you're siding with someone she doesn't really think high of like you do. But over time that should ebb off, and she'll probably be more open to talk to you." So, basically she'd hate me at first but then not hate me later? That was some weird thinking. "You, do need to be careful though."

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