Chapter 62- Damaged

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Balloon Girl/JJ

"She should have been back by now," I said. It's been like, half an hour. She didn't come back here. She went to see Bryan right?

"Knowing her she's probably doing something impulsive," Molten said. 

"She knows when to be careful and when to not be," Rockstar Freddy replied. 

"Well I mean if you want impulsive I can give a few examples," Shadow said. We all looked around.

"Where-" Shadow appeared in front of me, but looked like Molten. 

"What the hell?" Molten said. 

"Just was checking something. No need to be concerned," Shadow said as it changed form.

"Can you do that with anyone?" I asked. 

"If I've entered their mind then yes." That was pretty cool. 

"Where is she?" Rockstar Freddy asked. 

"She should be with Bryan." Bryan came in. 

"Whew I'm taking a break." He looked around. "Is she not here?" I figured. 

"No," Molten said. "I told you so." Shadow looked like it was focusing. 

"She's not anywhere here." She didn't go into that portal, did she? Bryan looked at Shadow. 

"Uh, should probably mention she's in control of Corruption right now." Wait what?! 

"She did it?!" I exclaimed. 

"Yeah pretty easily too. Probably going to test it out. We shouldn't worry too much about her." Knowing her, I doubt it.

"I think we should worry about her. If what Shadow said is correct she's not in this dimension anymore," Molten replied. Great. That didn't help. 

"Well what can we do?" Rockstar Freddy asked.

"Wait. All you can do is wait. She should come back," Shadow said. "Corruption is, powerful. In taking control of it, she could possibly gain some of Corruption's cockiness."

"Yeah that explains a lot about Corruption," Rockstar Freddy said. There had to be something I could do. Right? 

"I don't think it'd be a good idea to try and find her."

"I'm going to."

"You're only going to probably make it worse." Well I might as well try. Shadow flickered out of existence then back again.

"Okay note to self practice this more. I can't stay physical for much longer however I'll be in Rockstar Freddy's shadow. So if you need me he can relay a message from me." Shadow disappeared. 

"Ah well that's great. Really helpful," Molten said sarcastically. I teleported out and decided to do a bit more practice with my electricity. Maybe I could learn something new. 

It was an hour. Now I was getting worried. It wasn't sunset yet but it was getting close. "This is going to be stupid but I'm going to find her," I said to myself. I started to walk toward the portal. If she wasn't in this dimension she had to go through this one, otherwise she would have let me know beforehand she was going back to ours. The others were still talking while Bryan was at the hotel. So no one could stop me. I went into the abandoned area of the theme park. Just seeing it so broken was strange. Lots of it was overgrown by vines and whatnot. I wonder how long it was there for. I walked up to the door that led to the portal and it was open. "I told you so."

"Fine so what? Even if, you're still not thinking about going in there?" I wasn't sure. I walked up to the portal. The coloring was different. A lot of almost neon colors swirling around. So that begs the question of where she is. Something came out of the portal and I instinctively teleported away and charged myself up. It was Fun Trap. 

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