Chapter 48- Back

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Rockstar Freddy

I knew instantly what was up. Me and Lefty walked away from Bryan and Rockstar Foxy. "Are you sure?"

"What if Springtrap survived? Somehow, he survived and he's trying to control the Twisted Animatronics," I said. 

"If that's the case, we might be in trouble," Lefty said. 

"Maybe there's a way to figure it out. If Bryan's plan works maybe we can get one of the Twisted Animatronics to talk about it," I suggested. 

"Would they even open up about that? What if he's using brute force to try and control them?" Lefty asked.

"That's a bit of an obstacle if that's the case. I mean all we can do is try and talk to them." 

"Honestly I'm very worried. We both know his condition he was in when he fell into the portal. That kind of thing doesn't just, go away," Lefty said. I nodded. 

"Yeah. I'm worried for Bryan. If Springtrap is behind this, it might hurt Bryan more than any of us," I replied. 

"Oh yeah you're not wrong about that. I mean we got him a therapist so that should be good right?" Lefty asked. 

"While it's good, it might not be enough. But we'll have to see," I replied. We sat in silence for a bit. 

"Do you think maybe you could get you know who to come here?" Lefty asked. "I mean think about it. She'd be perfect for this right?" I shook my head. 

"Lefty she has things she needs to get done and things she has to worry about. I don't even want to begin talking about anything that has to do with her, problems," I said, choosing my words carefully. I don't think she'd be happy with anyone else besides me and Bryan knowing what happened. 

"Well yeah I mean I was just suggesting."

"It was a good suggestion, and I think she would be down for it. Plus, there isn't a way to communicate with her anyways. Even if there is a portal in her world, it might not lead us to her, and be somewhere completely different."

"Oh yeahhh. No yeah you're right I wasn't fully thinking it through," Lefty said. The sun was setting. 

"Well I'll be off now. Just, be weary Lefty I don't know if all the of Twisted Animatronics would be down with the idea of being peaceful," I said. 

"I'll keep an eye out and report back to you captain." 



"Don't ever call me that again. I'm not a captain, and certainly not a leader," I replied as I walked away. 

I didn't like the dark but it was quiet and no one was around, so it wasn't all that bad. I decided to take a risk. I walked into the portal room. I looked at the columns again. I thought it was strange how they were here. They held up the roof to this place, so someone else must have used it at some point, and it can't just appear out of nowhere. Plus, the technology here wouldn't be here if it just, popped into existence. But that begs the question of who in the world found this place, and what did they use it for? I heard something behind me and turned quickly with my claws ready. I couldn't believe it. "Freddy. What a nice surprise," Molten said. He wasn't fully repaired, but lots of him looked more, polished I guess you could say. Though he was not in the best shape.

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