Chapter 45- Questions

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Fun Trap

Once I was fixed up JJ got up on me. "It's nice to meet you JJ. I've heard some things about you," Bryan said. 

"Uh, nice to meet you too." 

"JJ you don't have to be nervous," I said. "These are friends of mine." JJ shifted on me. 

"Hm." All the others left so it was just me, Bryan, and JJ. "Can we go do that thing now?" JJ asked. 

"I guess. Bryan make sure you watch your back. Also, all the animatronics if they want to roam around take at least one or two more others with them. If they see you guys in numbers, there's less of a chance the Twisted Animatronics will attack. I hope," I said. Bryan nodded.

"Yeah I can do that. Make sure you think about what Linda said about PTSD." 

"I mean that for you as well. The Twisted Animatronics could shift their attention to you. I will try," I said.

"Why would they though?" Bryan asked.

"Not sure yet. I think they want this place. I don't know why, but it seems like they want a place to live." 

"I mean if they wanted to they could just ask. They wouldn't be doing this if they wanted that right?" Bryan asked. 

"You'll have to figure that out. We need to go and find someone." I focused on my plasma and made a portal. 

"Well I hope you find them." I nodded. 

"JJ are you sure you want to come with me for this one?" I asked.

"Yeah! I want to get out of the pizzeria more! This'll give me the chance to." 

"Okay." I walked through the portal. I closed it as we got to the other side. We were in front of the pizzeria. "We need to look for clues at a certain place. Don't worry if I pass out or anything. It's a long ways away from here." 

"You sure?" JJ asked.

"It's faster if we just portal there." I opened another portal and I walked through.

More memories started to flood back to me. I looked at the single, lone pine tree in the middle of the yard. I walked over to it and sat down. JJ got off of me. "What is this place?" JJ asked. 

"Henry's old home. This is where I was made," I said. JJ looked over at the garage, which was turned into his workshop. Most of the things were gone so I could only assume that he moved away. The house was in bad condition though. "Anyways I'm going to take a nap. Maybe you can look around a bit? Just, be careful." 

"Okay!" I sighed and went to sleep. 

My head was slammed into the floor. "Give up." I wasn't going to. 

"I'm not going to give up. I never will," I hissed. 

"You were close to giving up though weren't you?" I looked up at Ray and tried to raise my arm to attack but someone held it down. "Don't worry. We'll go again. It was only for a month. Maybe it'll take two or three to break you. Regardless, it will be done." 

"It won't be done," I spat. 

"Really? What if, I hurt someone you cared about?"

"You wouldn't dare," I snarled. 

"Would I? If it gives me the upper hand, I might just do so." 

"I wouldn't let you. I'd kill you before you got the chance to."

"I can render you powerless. I can force you to sleep, and I can numb your body. Do you really think you could?" I started to feel some doubt. Could I? I've tried so many times and yet, to no avail. "That's what I thought."

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