Chapter 50- Timing

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Balloon Girl/JJ

When I woke up Fun Trap was sleeping. I walked outside of the garage and saw Henry come over. "So what have you learned?" Henry asked. 

"Uh, that depends. I've learned a lot of things. Uh, I can do this." I focused on a spot a bit farther away and teleported there, and back. 

"Increased movement speed? That's good." 

"I can make an arc of electricity." I shot a bolt of electricity at the center of a tree. "That's all I can really do right now," I said. 

"Well you have a lot to learn." 

"I have a question."

"And what is that question?" Henry asked.

"Did you know your daughter is, technically alive? Not like, living and all that uh, I think something about a soul. She's where I was put." Henry was surprised by this. 

"I didn't know, no."

"Well she misses you. Also another question. Fun Trap's been having I can only assume blackouts, or flashbacks or whatever. Do you know what could cause that?" I asked. 

"Hmm no. She's not supposed to have problems like that at all. Of course, she learns new things every day, and she is self-learning, but I don't think so." 

"Something about PTSD? I heard someone tell her something about that," I said. 

"That's post traumatic stress disorder. If someone's gone through something that's very scarring, like a war and whatnot they could have flashbacks or stare off.. like she does.." 

"Is there a reason for that?" I asked. Henry looked at Fun Trap. 

"She's not telling me something. I think that's where it may come from. I'm not sure." 

"She doesn't like to talk about what happened. I think she just doesn't want to tell anyone," I said. 

"Did you ever stop to think it might be because she's been hurt so much that it pains her to talk about it?"

"Maybe. God if I knew how much Ray hurt her.."

"She really doesn't like to talk about that," I replied. 

"I'm worried for her. This isn't how she should be." 

"Well while we're here, I have a problem myself." 

"You do?" Henry asked. 

"Uh, I think I have my own evil side. It's more or less talking inside of me, but she said if I don't get it under control, something about coming to terms with things it could cause a lot of problems," I answered. 

"Ah that's simple. I helped her with her own and it was relatively simple. All you need to do, is think about what it wants. Hers wanted to take control every now and then, and she obliged. It didn't cause any problems it just wanted to get its own time you know?" Henry asked. 

"I think so. Though, I don't know what it wants."

"Well then ask it." I was severely doubting this would work. 

"So let's do what he said. What do you want?" I asked. 

"Well, there's a few things. I want you to acknowledge that I'm here, and control is something I'm interested in."

"Okay, then should we try to work it out? Maybe you can take nights and I can take days. Of course sleeping in between."

"Hmm that's not a bad idea."

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