Chapter 60- Fighting

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Rockstar Freddy

I hoped Bryan would be okay. JJ was not having any of it though. "It would probably have been better if she told him," JJ said. 

"Not my fault she's being so difficult about it," Molten said. Lefty was looking at Molten, and then back at me. 

"Let's try to move on from this," Lefty replied. I nodded. 

"Yeah we should. I want to focus more on a backup plan, in case Bryan can't make the anti-virus." But what would a good backup plan be? I wanted to be able to kill Glitchtrap with the backup plan, but the only way would be for Fun Trap, since she's the only one who could fight against him. But she couldn't do it alone. 

"We shouldn't just go in there. Even if we take him by surprise he could probably easily take over our minds. But that begs the question how many people can he have under his control?" I asked.

"That's a good question. I'm assuming not many, since it might take a lot of energy to manage a lot of people's minds," Molten said. 

"What if you just destroyed the portal that he's doing stuff through?" JJ asked. That would be a good idea. 

"That could work. If we could get a chance to do it. Though how would we destroy it?" I asked. I looked at Molten. "What did Springtrap do exactly to make the portal unstable?" I asked Molten. Molten shifted.

"I'm not sure. I think he pushed it too far. We'd need to keep the remaining Twisted Animatronics away for a while. Though I don't know how." That was another obstacle. Molten looked past me. 

"Something's... moving?" It came up really quick but Shadow formed next to me. I jumped back in surprise. 

"Don't do that!" 

"I don't have time for that anyways. The other two Twisted Animatronics are attacking Fun Trap. Bryan's with her in the portal room." JJ teleported in front of us and started to sprint over there. "I wish she wouldn't just jump in." 

"Yeah. Should probably go with her." Shadow disappeared as me, Molten, and Lefty went to help out. As we were walking my head felt weird. 

"This'll feel strange for a second."  Wait was Shadow in my mind?! "It's a thing I can do. I can read your thoughts too." Concerning. But noted. Once we got to the doors to the portal room I could hear fighting. I slid to the front of the doors and saw Fun Trap fighting with Twisted Bonnie, but he seemed to move differently. JJ was fighting off Twisted Freddy, and doing a really good job. "She's been practicing." 

"Molten help Fun Trap me and Lefty will help JJ." Molten nodded and we went our ways. I tackled Twisted Freddy. Lefty helped me pin him down. He grunted and struggled a lot. His weight threw me off and I recovered after he got up. JJ shot an arc of electricity at him, and he was affected, but it didn't seem like by much.

"You know, I'm starting to think his size is what's making this more difficult," JJ said. Twisted Freddy tried attacking me, and I slid to the side and scratched his arm. Lefty got a good hit on him in the side. I checked how Fun Trap and Molten were doing, and they were both struggling. Twisted Bonnie could for a bit handle Fun Trap but both of them like that? Something else was going on. Bryan was near the entrance. I didn't even notice him. I turned back to Twisted Freddy and Lefty came over to me. 

"How do we deal with him? His size is making this an issue." JJ came over too. 

"I can probably stun him. Might give you a chance to knock him down." 

"Let's give it a shot." JJ's hands glowed an even brighter purple. 

"Then let's go." Lefty got in front of Twisted Freddy. 

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