Chapter 72- Anticipation

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Rockstar Freddy

Of course I was nervous. JJ was gone, which meant she was probably doing that mission to get Fun Trap back. I did feel excited to have her back. I missed her. For a while. But I also had concerns. I shouldn't think about them right now though. Lefty was sitting next to me. "It's only been a few months and here we are. We're about to beat the bad guy down." 

"At least it wasn't three years in the making to reach that point," I said. 

"Three years would be so long." 

"Yeah." It was night so we were just looking up at the stars. 

"How much longer do you think this is all going to last?" Lefty asked. 

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"Well, if we get rid of Glitchtrap we can open this place right? I mean Bryan cancelled the opening because he wanted to play it safe. Obviously he still has plenty of funds from the pizzeria, but when this opens, then what?" 

"Well we do what we do. It'll be closed at night and on the weekends right? So we'll have time to just hang around each other."

"Yeah. I'm just, a bit nervous I guess."

"At least you have a voice box this time." Lefty laughed.

"Yeah I guess I do. Hopefully this one won't break." 

"It shouldn't. It's lasted this long already," I said. 

"Yeah true." We sat in silence. It was nice to just, listen and hear things all around. It was peaceful, calming. It almost made me feel like all our problems would just melt away. Unfortunately, they couldn't. "What'll we do with the rest of the Twisted Animatronics? If we defeat them, and kill Glitchtrap what'd happen to them?" Lefty asked.

"Not sure. I'd say it's a risk having them around. So just scrap them. Twisted Freddy seems unreasonably aggressive, and Twisted Bonnie seems to be a bit of a narcissist."

"Probably. Can't do much about those Shadows can we?"

"Unless Shadow knows something then no. We can't." Which would pose a bit of a problem. I wanted those two Shadows gone. If anything they'd do more harm than good. Switching sides is probably not an option either. Probably couldn't convince them. Shadow doesn't like light, but that's because they can't move around as much. So trap them in a place where there's constant light? That'd be difficult. 

"I got no ideas." 

"I don't either," I replied. But we could cross that bridge when we got there. We still had time before we would anyways. So we had time to think. 

"Molten is changing you know," Lefty said. 

"I'm aware."

"But you still show that you hate him."

"I do." 

"I get what he did to you and Fun Trap, wasn't ideal. In fact that just made it harder for him. But he's past that point. He's not going to do it again."

"And what makes you say that? Look. I did some, bad things and he was there. Even helped me out with some of it. But, he was different then. I don't know. It's just, how I feel." 

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