Chapter 56- Stealth?

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Rockstar Freddy

First things first. Talk to Twisted Wolf. If I wanted to go through with the idea of my night patrol, I wanted someone who probably did it themselves. Actually that might be something to ask another time. What exactly they were doing and what they wanted. That might be important. I don't think it was just to get a new home, I think it was something more. But, we didn't have anything of that much value. Not here at least. I guess the old portal but that was gone. We had this new one but it didn't seem like they were interested in it. Thinking about it is good. I would definitely have to talk to Lefty. Molten might know too. He was getting fixed up by Bryan right now. At least he wouldn't be as melted as before. Maybe Fun Trap would come today. I kept on hoping for a few days but she didn't come. Of course she was busy but I knew she'd check in sometime. Just didn't know when. I didn't know where he liked to hang out so I had to walk around for a while. He apparently likes the open grass in the area where Bryan will put some miniature horses when we open. "Hey Twisted Wolf," I said. He turned to look at me. 

"I didn't notice you there. Is there something you want?" Twisted Wolf asked. 

"I want to do a night patrol sometime. Make sure they're not snooping around while we're all asleep. I was wondering out of you and the other two who would be best for the job?" I asked. Twisted Wolf thought for a moment.

"Me or Twisted Foxy would be good. I suggest Twisted Foxy he's more attuned to that kind of thing." 

"Okay. I just wanted to check with you since you seemed like you were somewhat in charge." 

"I was and still am. Twisted Foxy and Chica will listen to me. The other two won't though. I'm not surprised about it either though," Twisted Wolf said. 

"So were the others like, split in a way? They didn't want to follow your orders?" I asked.

"Oh they followed them. But only because their "master" said to. It bugs me that I never thought about who they might be. How I was so oblivious to that idea?" 

"We have a few guesses, but we aren't quite sure yet." 

"I don't suggest risking anything. They are a powerful force and I don't think any of you could stand up to it. But that may have been fabricated for all I know. This is going to take a while for me to actually understand." 

"Maybe not us. But others can."

"What others?" As if on cue I saw a portal form next to me. Twisted Wolf jumped back in surprise. Fun Trap came through, and JJ followed behind. 

"Oh I was not expecting you to come right now that was- actually perfect timing," I said. 

"Hm? Oh. I kind of just thought about this place because I probably wouldn't disturb others if I made a portal here," Fun Trap replied. She looked at Twisted Wolf. 

"Before you do anything Twisted Wolf, Foxy, and Chica are with us now. They're good guys," I said quickly. 

"I kind of figured if he's not a broken mangled husk walking around." 

"So who's that?" JJ asked. 

"That's Twisted Wolf. He's, a good guy now but he was bad." Twisted Wolf finally recovered. 

"I guess I am. We were just talking about my old "master"." 

"Master? Like, someone who controls you or something like that?" JJ asked. 

"That is a good definition of them yes."

"You don't know their name?" Fun Trap asked.

"No. They told us if we worked for them we'd get fixed up. Of course that didn't happen," Twisted Wolf answered. Fun Trap was thinking. 

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