Chapter 52- Revisions

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Rockstar Freddy

Bryan was understandably not happy. "Freddy he died." 

"I know. But he died in the portal. What if he somehow went to a different world and rebuilt himself?" I said. 

"No he can't be alive. I refuse to believe that idea," Bryan said. 

"But you know it makes the most sense."

"No it doesn't. He fell into an unstable portal so I can only assume he's dead. That portal killed him. It's probably something or someone else," Bryan said. I don't think I was going to get through to him. And of course he's in denial. To be fair, we only have a little bit of evidence, and that's not enough for anything concrete. But it made some sense. 

"Give yourself time to mull it over we'll be here waiting," Lefty said. 

"I'll think about it. But it's most likely not him." Bryan walked away. 

"Think we laid it a bit too hard on him?" Lefty asked.

"No. He has valid reasoning but so do we," I answered. Molten was looking at Bryan walking away. I still didn't trust Molten. He wasn't one to trust, even if he's given up on doing things for others. Something like that doesn't go away easily. Is that how Fun Trap feels? Molten looked at me. 

"I want you to explain about Fun Trap, and why she's been here," Molten said. 

"Why? So you can control Corruption again?" I said angrily. 

"That wasn't my idea."

"But you went along with it." 

"Because he put a bomb in him. Springtrap put a bomb in Molten. If Molten didn't listen, he would have died," Lefty said. "Look I know you hate him and it's understandable but he's trying not to be like that again. He wants to change. He can't change his past but he can change the outcome of the present," Lefty said. "Besides he should probably be filled in on Fun Trap in case she does see him. He can at least try to talk with her." Molten scoffed. 

"Unless she ripped out my voice box."

"I can see her doing that," I replied. I sighed. "Alright. When Springtap threatened Bryan she was with him. Lefty said she stayed back for the fight you two had. I tackled Springtrap into the portal and Fun Trap was able to portal us out. So after that she stayed for a while before going back to her world. She's been popping back in since and making sure we're doing okay here. When Twisted Bonnie attacked me she came in time to fend him off. But, she has her own issues right now so she probably won't come for a while," I explained. 

"Actually I'm curious what are those issues?" Lefty asked. Did I really want to talk about it with Molten here? I guess the first step was trust. 

"People. One of the last times she was here she explained to me that when she went back she was caught by this person named Ray, who works for the government in that dimension. He's the one who's been hunting her down since he put Corruption in her. He tried to break her and she got out in time, but it really hurt her mentally. So she's been trying to find a way to stop it from happening again, by killing Ray. But, she really isn't able to." 

"Why?" Lefty asked.

"She mentioned these, things he had. Serums I think. She described them to the best of her ability. One can completely knock her out, another one can numb her, which scares me a lot, but probably the worst one, he has one that can take away her plasma or something like that. And I think that he uses her plasma in them too," I answered. 

"That's probably why she doesn't have claws. Ray probably took them out," Lefty said. I nodded. 

"She was gone for about a month. I can only assume Ray tried to break her during that month," I said. 

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