Chapter 43- Searching

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"You want me to get rid of the other part of you?" I asked.

"If you get rid of exe, I won't have to worry so much. If I can get rid of it I want to," Fun Trap answered. It was amazing how far we've come.

"You know, a few months ago you didn't want to be around me at all, and now look where we are," I said. 

"Well, I guess it's more or less I trust you now." 

"So does it take that long for you to trust someone?" I asked. 

"Probably. Although we've had, different circumstances." I nodded. 

"I'll give it a try." Fun Trap sat back down. I put the wires back on her and started up the computer. The interesting thing is that her code is simple, yet effective. The root of her code is a few simple lines, but more has been added over time. Since she was an artificial intelligence, she was constantly adding new branches to the programming. It was so amazing. "Do you have any idea where exe is?" I asked.

"Not really, no. From what I remember Henry said that it was latched onto my basic programming." 

"That helps a lot actually." I started to get to the root of her code. Seeing it again, it made me wonder, what was the Henry in this world like? He probably wasn't alive anymore. I checked for a few minutes and found a strange abnormality in the code. The code wasn't matching up with the rest of it. Though, it was barely noticeable. It was like it was trying to hide. "Oh there it is." I ran a scan of that strain of the code and the scan noticed too. Now, how would I delete it? 

"You found it?"

"Yeah. I gotta say exe is smart. It took a few times reading the code over to notice. It's a small difference." I highlighted the piece of code. The first thing I needed to do was quarantine it. I needed to make sure exe couldn't go back into her code again. I moved exe's coding to the other monitor. I deleted the rest of the code, leaving only exe. It wasn't going to be as easy as deleting it from my computer. But, what if I moved the code to a text document? Then, it'd be secluded from everything and I could shred the document. I opened my text application and moved exe into it, saving the file to my desktop. I took a deep breath. "Okay I'm going to try this. Would you be able to shut off for this? I don't want it to hurt." 

"Uh, okay." I waited a few minutes for her to shut off. Once she was off I shred the document. I heard a light knock on the repair room door and leaned over a bit to see who it was. It was Rockstar Freddy. I walked over and opened the doors. 

"Well?" Rockstar Freddy asked. 

"I think I did it. But oh my gosh Freddy her code is amazing! Using a couple simple lines of code, Henry was able to make her add new code to it on her own. It branches into all kinds of different directions, each branch representing the emotion she learned and it categorizes all of it." 

"I have no idea what you just said," Rockstar Freddy said. 

"Okay uh, her code is simple and she built off of it. That's basically the gist of it." 

"Oh okay it makes it much better to understand instead of rambling." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Fun Trap move. It took her a second to wake up. She looked at us. It worked. 

"Oh wow." Rockstar Freddy was speechless.

"I can see color again in my other eye! Oh that makes everything ten times easier. I can see everything on this side now." Fun Trap got up. 

"You sound, calmer," I commented. 

"I feel calmer. Of course still somewhat on edge, but other than that, I feel like myself again." 

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