Stubborn Bunny

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Pro hero Eraser head (Shota Aizawa) x Pro hero Tsundere childhood bunny reader

Genre: fluff, smut

Quirk - bunny

Use of quirk - you can do anything a bunny/ rabbit can do so you have : long ears, long legs, strong feet, around fluffy tail and also sensitive ear and smell: you seem danger coming from a mile away.

Weakness of zaid quirk - you hate cats and you have to deal with your heat

Pro hero name: y/n

(the reader is 24 years old she is a pro hero like her childhood friend shota Aizawa. She is also a tsundere so she doesn't believe and is very stubborn about the whole love thing. Also shota Aizawa is a bit younger then he is in the anime so like in this story he is 26 years old)

You are the long time childhood friend to shota Aizawa you and him both went to the same middle school you both would always hangout together after school and on the weekend you both had grew very close to each other and without you knowning since your a Tsundere and don't admit easily to people confessing their love to you anyway you had that situation with your childhood friend shota. He would always want to stay with you more often and he would always follow you around you thought it was cute but very weird one day you were in class just looking out the window of the class room while you waited for friends.

You started to hum to yourself when you felt something being placed on your school desk you look up to see shota "hey shota what's this?" you asked him your ears flopped to the side as you tilt your head "I just open it you find out" he said to you as he sat down in his chair infront of you as he turn to and watched you try and guess what it is you start to open it "aww shota you didn't have to" you said to him as you took the pro hero action figure out of the box he smiles at you as you examine the figure of your favourite pro hero "do you like y/n? i thought you might love it?" he asked you a bit flustered ''aww i love it, thank you shota, but i do have to ask one thing tho? why this all of a sudden? you asked him still a bit confused with sudden present he looked at you "well I knew you are a big fan of this pro hero and been looking for it so I found it for you" he said to you "aww thank you so much shota" you said to him as you got up from your seat and gave him a big hug.

So this all happened in 1st year of middle school and for the next two years he would surprise you with gifts which were weird and one day you decided to ask him on why he was doing this you and him were having lunch together up on the roof of the school when you turned to him "hey shota can i ask you something?" you ask him "yeah sure y/n what is it?" he asked you back "oh ok well I wanted ask on why you keep surpriseing me with gifts all the time is there a reason for you being so sweet?" you asked him "oh that is because your an amazing friend and I wanted to get something for someone I liked" he said to you "wait what! Your funny shota I didn't know you could make jokes" you said to him giggling as you continued to eat your lunch.

The rest of 2nd year and 3rd year he tried to confess to you but you would always laugh it off as a joke I'm not going to lie but this did hurt him but he was not going to give up on you so easily everytime he would try and to confess you would laugh it off and he would always say "you are a stubborn Bunny you that right" he said to you this went on until high school you and him both got accepted into UA high to become pro hero's you met two boys in your class 1-A you became close friends with them you saw shota was a bit annoyed that you would always hangout with them more him but everytime you would ask he would just shug it off like it was nothing you were worried about him cause you didn't know why he was acting this way.

A month later shota started following you around again like he did back in middle school "hey y/n" he said to as he followed you "stop it shota" you said to him "but I love you y/n" he said to you "stop it shota why are you so funny" you said to you "I'm not being funny I'm not telling a joke" he said to you "oh really shota" you said to him as you ran away from him this continued on until 3rd year of UA high and graduation and you thought he would stop trying to confessing to you all the time you started to work as pro hero's you worked at your pro hero agency in (District name) as your shota aka Eraser head worked as a pro hero at agency to in a (different district name).

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