Took You Long Enough

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Hanta sero x Pro hero hawks (keigo takami) cousin reader

Genre Fluff

Quirk - fierce feathers

Hero name : y/n

Your name is y/n takami and you are the cousin of Keigo takami (aka; pro winged hero "hawks") your his cousin on his dad's side but you go to have a normal life you went to  elementary school no problem, middle school no problem but high school was a problem cause you went to UA high school which was a choice you didn't make well it was actually your parents who made that choice cause your mum actually went to UA high so, yeah. You got a recommendation from UA high. You did the test and got accepted to the school with the following other students that were accepted too which was shoto todoroki and momo yaoyorozu. When you told your parents that you got accepted to UA through the recommendations they were happy for you. Well mostly your mom was happy your father on thy other hand I guess he was happy it was kinda ups and downs were your dad.

A month later and it was now your first day at UA high you met the other two students that were at the recommendations exam for being accepted to the school you became friends quickly both with momo and with todoroki. You got use to your class of 1-A with your other classmates: izuku midoriya, ochako uraraka, tsuyu asui, kyoka jiro, mina ashido, Toru Hagakure, denki kaminari, eijirou kirishima, koda, saito, shouji, tokoyami, bakugou and etc. There was a quirk test you had to do with Mr. Aizawa at the very start of the school year and then later your teacher all might had a hero vs villain test at ground beta to see how your Quirks work together after that your home room teacher Mr. Aizawa took the class of 1-A to the U. S. J with the help pro hero thirteen and all might which was late apparently he overdid his quirk and he is resting in the staff lounge area. Anyway, the class was at U. S. J were to do a specialised rescue training.

After pro hero thirteen was done talking the U. S. J was invaded by the league of villains the warp villain teleported to the entrance of the facility blocking the 1-A from leaving asking "where was all Might? And that heard that he was supposed to be here" when bakugou and eijirou suddenly attacked the villain. The warp gate warped the class, scattering them across the various regions in the facility. So, for izuku, minoru, tsuyu they were warped to the shipwreck zone. Shoto and Toru hagakure were warped to the landslide zone. While kaminari, momo, jiro were warped to the mountain zone. Tokoyami and koda were warped to the windstorm zone and the last but not least Ojiro and you were warped to the fire zone and bakugou and eijirou were warped to the zuin zone.

The others that weren't warped were sero, uraraka, tenya, shouji and others they were with pro hero thirteen. You used your fierce wings to find other petty villains to notify Ojiro after those villains were tied up. You and Ojiro went off to find the class. After finding them you joined your friends to see pro hero thirteen out and Mr. Aizawa was injured. All might came to save the day punching the bird nomu that the LOV leader was bragging about its many Quirks and blah blah blah. Tenya came back with help from other pro heros form UA one helping pro hero thirteen and Eraser head out of the facility while All might still fought the Bird nomu the other pro hero's that came to help one of them pro hero snipe shot down the LOV leader after that he was warped back to safety. They captured the bird nomu and the other peety villains while Eraser head and thirteen were in the hero hospital.

>>>after that the UA sport festival happening<<<
The principal nezu and the teachers at UA discussed the safety of the students and that the UA sports festival was deemed too important to cancel. so, with the help of some pro heros to help with the increased security measures at the high school, the sports festival continued on. Classes from A-K were to participate in the first stage sport festival. The first event was an obstacle course, a four - kilometer - long race around the sports stadium one of the obstacles were the robots from the entrance exam. You didn't get to see them since you did the recommendations exam. Instead, you flew over the robots with no help. To reach up to bakugou and todoroki you went on ahead of everyone. Next up was "the fall" canyon you had to trek across by walking along a tightrope you got through it by flying over it the next obstacle, the last one. The last obstacle was a minefield you got through but you got in 20place. On to the next event of the festival which was a cavalry battle you had to be put into a group of four people. You were put in a group you with a boy you didn't really know that well apparently he was from a business course something like that (a/n fast forward cause I'm tired and I can) your group came in 3rd place so, of the players opted not to did the one on one fight tournament saying "that they couldn't remember what they did in the cavalry battle and saying that they would wanted to get to the next round with not feeling like there pride was gone" miss. Midnight agreed to this.

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