May I Have This Dance

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Shoto todoroki x reader twin cousin of momo yaoyorozu

Genre: fluff

Quirk - weapon creation

use of the quirk - can create weapons from nothing or by shaping the existing matter or energy, they are capable of creative virtually any weapon and however many they wish. depending on the weapon is made of, it can possess a variety of abilities be vary effective in both offensive and defensive combat.

you have had a crush on the most popular boy in your class for 3 years you haven't told him. One day while in classroom chatting with your best friends, you heard footsteps coming towards your desk. you look up to see your crush shoto "OMG hi.... Hmm... Shoto what's up?" you asked your crush he looked at you with a smile, looking away you blushed. You tried to hid your nose from bleeding. "I want to ask you something so can we take a walk y/n" he said to you.

After stopping your nosebleed, you looked up at him "yeah sure shoto" you said to him with a smile. You and shoto walked outside the classroom "so what did you want to talk to me about?" you ask him as you and him walk around a corner "well I want to ask you if you want to go out with me like on a date" he said to you "what why? I thought you liked my twin cousin momo i mean I've seen you and her talking together all the time"  you said to him "yeah but we are only friends she has a bf and I want you y/n" he said to you  walking closer to you, reaching for your hand. "ok then yes I'll go out with you on a date shoto" you said to him "really thank you y/n" he said to you, taking your hand in his rubbing gently.

You, and shoto walk back together holding hands. You let go of his hand when you got back to the classroom. You went over to your friends with a big smile on your face  "whats wrong?" Mina asked you "yeah y/n you have the biggest smile in your face that's not like you?" jiro asked you jokingly "well my crush shoto todoroki just asked me out" you said to them "wait your crush shoto todoroki asked you out ah so that's why your happy" Mina said to you as she hug you "hmm y/n your crush is behind you" uraraka said to you "hmm darling what are you and your friends talking about?" he asked you "ah that here crush finally asked her out" uraraka said to him "what... Crush.. Wait I was your crush darling" he said to you in shock "yeah well your amazing, cool and hot and most good looking and popular boy in school so wondering I have a crush on you shoto" you said to him "oh? Is that so well darling it's a good thing I ask you out then huh?" he asked you.

After you and shoto went out on your first official date you and him continued to date from your 2nd date to your 3rd date to your 4th date to your 5th date and so on and now you are in a 6 months long relationship with him. You and him would sneak around and fool around to each others houses to some dirty stuff cause you just wanted to be with each other and can't stop with keeping your hands to yourself you had sex many times at his, your places, in school, in the park, even on dates to the cinema, etc.... A few month's ago your bf of 7 months asked you about the prom cause it was coming up "darling can I talk to you about something?" he asked you as you looked up at him "yeah sure babe bye guys" you said to your bf as you waved bye to your friends "I was wondering to ask you to the prom" he said to you "OMG yes yes yes yes" you said to him as you jump into his arms as you giggle, laugh and kiss.

Throughout the 5 months up until the prom day it was very exciting for your everyone you had told your best friends at lunch in the cafeteria that shoto asked you to the prom and you said yes. (fast-forward the day of the prom you and all your (b/f's) from your class with all get dressed into their dresses and suits as you were this (outfit pic below 👇)

Prom dress

Prom dress

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