Did You Miss Me?

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Villain shoto todoroki (burn) x Ua student hero bunny y/n young sister of Rumi Usagiyama retired no.5 pro hero (mirko)

Genre: fluff

quirk - bunny

Hero name - y/n

Years later after a great war had happened in Japan. Many were lost and many were saved, as the villains behind it were in prison. Life slowly went back to normal as the cities that were destroyed in the war, were being re-built with the help of the new pro heroes around. A few years later a new villain came to town know as burn. No one knew who he was. But what they was that he was in his early 20's. They didn't really know what his goal or mission either at first. But it came a bit clearer when he kidnapped a UA student y/n Usagiyama who was only maybe 16 or 17 years old, and she was the younger sister of the old NO.5 pro hero mirko aka; rumi Usagiyama. the new villain Burn took her away back to his castle where you stayed in a darken cold room for about 30 days now.

y/n pov
Ever since i was kidnapped by the villain burn. I have the locked in this room for about 30 days now ... maybe its more actually.. It doesn't matter anyway. i've stopped counting at this stage how long. It has .. well been getting a bit annoying how he would come in to visit me in the room from time to time just yk to talk .. but like i was going to give up anything to him about the heroes .. my lips are shut.. Well so what i thought that is ... well this got him annoyed when he didn't get his way, ''fine be that way i'll know soon enough'' he would say before storming out and going to that one girl in his villain group .. what's her name? .. ah momo .. yeah her to calm him down again. I think she has a bf or something but still. Ik she was very pretty and more beautiful then me anyway. I could see why he would go for her. But that still doesn't explain why he would always go for me when he could be with her. Despite her having a bf or whatever it is. As i lay on the bed that was made of rough hard cotton. I waited for him to come back to try to talk to me again like he does every weekend at this time. I mean he doesn't need to do this, like he probably doesn't have time for those who disobey him like this. ''I'll probably end up dead one of these days'' i said to myself.

You waited on him for a while, when you heard a knock, door opening and closing. You saw him again looking relax and calm, ''right sorry about that i'm moving you to another room y/n if you please follow me well unless you want to stay here in this cold room'' he said to you. of course you definitely didn't want to stay in the room ''sure get me out of here'' you said to him as you ran out of the room. He chuckled darkly ''your cute yk that y/n'' he said back to you ''i'm what? now'' you asked Shockley at what he said to you ''come with me'' he said to you as he took your hand in his, dragging you to another room ''where are we going?'' you ask him nervous of what he was going to do next ''oh you'll see'' he said to you. As he brought you to the room ''what is this?'' you asked him not really wanting to know but also wanting to know as well. you looked at him, he chuckles ''just open the door'' he said to you ''ok here goes nothing'' you said to yourself as you open the door to see a brand new room

you look around the room, then back at him who was beside you at the door ''ok what is this? I thought you were ....'' you started to say to him ''what? .. you think that i was going to let you go, or worse .. oh no you forget this is your new room .. i hated that other room i putted you in when i first kidnapped you, ik you hated it too so, enjoy your new room'' he said to you as he went to leave the room ''why are you doing this? You're a villain, your mean and hurt people why are you being nice?'' you asked him ''because i want you ... can't you not see that? Oh y/n my sweetie baby'' he said to you ''but why me i'm just a bunny ! you would probably want someone with a better quirk than me i mean'' you stated ''that doesn't matter to me'' he said to you ''want to know why me then? Why would you pick me? Can you answer me that?'' you ask him ''i want a family y/n and not just with anyone i want one with you, just think how cute our child would be running around here, the child of a villain and a hero'' he said to you, as he dreamed off into the distances ''that's absurd you can't do that to me i won't allow it, no no no no, you have no right to ask that of me, i'm still young i want a life not to be used by anymore just cause they want a child'' you shouted at him.

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