When a Spider Meets Water

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Pro hero hanta sero x single mom actress reader

Genre: fluff, smut

Quirk - hydrokinesis

Use - ability to freely use water or create water and ability to create sweat on a body.

Quirk weakness - you get dehydrated and need to drink a lot of fluid.

You were this famous actress and a single mom to two twin girls natsuko and natsumi from your first relationship they are both 5 years old and still in (elementary school name) it's been a couple of months since your twin daughters natsuko and natsumi both had shown sighs of having any quirk you thought it was going to their biological father (quirk's name) who ran out on them and you when they were 1 year old in the end your twin girls natsuko and natsumi both actually inherited your water quirk which you were so happy about.

And since you are famous actress you had a Personal nanny that you had as a child she would look after your two twin girls natsuko and natsumi. Your personal nanny is like in her 40s so she would take the twin girls to (elementary school name) they she would pick them up and take them home while you would be on camera from 9am in the morning to 6pm in the evening cause you are staring in a big time movie called (movie name).

After your last take of the day was done you went back to your dressing room you got dressed into your normal causal clothes got your handbag and left the studio with your phone and keys in hand you walked to the car in the back car park anyway you were like maybe two hours away from home when you caught up in a big traffic you texted the nanny ''sorry can you stay with my kids for a bit longer i got caught in traffic on the way home'' you said to her ''no its fine mam you be safe on the road'' she said to you ''ok (f/n's/n) i will see you when i get home'' you said to her with a smile in the text then put your phone down and focused back on the road you saw that it cleared up a bit so you were able to get home.

you drove down the street that your house was on it was beautiful and nice street child and pet friendly too anyway you got home you drove into the drive thru you turn off the car engine and picking up your small handbag with your keys and phone you turn around and close the car door as you lock the car and walk up to the house you unlock the front door "kids I'm home" you said as you closed the front door behind you as you put your small handbag "Momma!" your two twin girls natsuko and natsumi shouted as they ran to greet you "aww hi girls did you have fun today?" you asked them "yeah we had fun today we drew you this while we were in (elementary school name)" they said to you as they dragged you into the big living room to see two beautiful draws of you their mommy as a water hero.

"aww sweeties these drawings a beautiful I have a idea let's pick out a place in the living room to put it up" you said to them both "ok momma" they said to you "lets put them up on that hall" natsuko said to you as she point to a empty wall in the living room then she looked at her older twin sister by 4 minutes her eyes lit up "yeah lets do that" natsumi said to you in a agreement to her twin sister you put up the two drawings on the wall where the long table was that had a framed picture of you, the twin girls and your nanny when the girls turned 3 it was a birthday picture.

"ah miss. L/n you have a call from the studio director" the nanny said to you "oh ok sorry mommy has to take a call" you said to them "ok momma" they said to you as wait in the living room with the nanny as you went to take the call it was a long call about maybe a hour long call the call was ended after that you looked at the digital clock as it ticked 7 o'clock as you knew it was getting very late and your twin daughters natsuko and natsumi were going to be getting very hungry so you helped the nanny with cooking. "so miss. L/n was any news?" she asked you "well if have to redo a scene that I did this morning from the movie for tomorrow in the morning and then I have a another scene after that so I'll be back late again around 7" you said to her "its ok I can take the kids to school then take them home at 5 so don't worry about it" she said to you.

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