I love you my family

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BNHA Ua class 1-A character Katsuki bakugo x slight bullied disability reader

Quirk - replay

Use of the quirk - can replay any audio and video the reader chooses (Kinda like R2D2 from star wars new hope)

After you got your quirk replay when you were 5 you were still having trouble speaking and being normal your parents catched on this so, they took you to different doctors and physiotherapist when they found that you had a speaking and language problem and dysprexia you got through your junior high ok you made friends with a boy there that is still your best friend today but no you are going to UA high like you could not believe it your parents were so proud of  you. When you enrolled to UA your parents had a talk with the principle and teachers at the school about their daughter's future going to the high school principle nezu "we understand fully that you want to the best for your daughter y/n Mrs and Mr. L/n we well have special night classes for y/n until she is stable enough to take day classes for practicals" he said to your parents.

"thankyou principle nezu" your dad said to him "we will sent you a letter in the email of the teachers that will do the night classes for your daughter" principle nezu said to them your parents were happy about the idea and so a month later y/n began her night classes a few weeks later you were having trouble with a piece of homework she had emailed the teacher of maths that she was having trouble with they said "ok y/n you can come in the morning and show me so I can help you" after that you talked to your parents about going in the morning. "ah sweetie are you sure about this?" your mom asked you "it's fine mom" you said to her "ok then be safe tomorrow in school" your dad said to you "yes dad I'll be safe" you said to him.

The day you came into ua in the morning to talk to the teacher when she heard whispers around her as she walked the halls of ua to get to the staff room "hey guys who is that chick?" kaminari said at the door of 1- a class room jiro got annoyed and shocked him with her ear phone jack "I don't know kaminari I have never seen her around" sero said "tape boi and electric boy who are you talking about?" yelled a ashen blonde boy "oh bakugo it's just a new girl" kaminari pointed to you "the new girl" the ashen blonde boy smirked "oy new girl" the ashen blonde boy yelled at you.

You stiffen at the boy yelling at you "oh new girl answer me" he said yelling at you again walking over to you turning you around pushing you up against wall of the hallway with only people seeing was the students of class 1-A at the door of their class no one went to you  as ashen blonde boy yelled at you. as you dropped your books you fell to the ground and covered your ears with your hands and rock yourself back and forward the students in the hallway saw and rush to help you back up again class 1-a looked at kacchan when izuku spoke "kacchan leave her alone you don't have to yell at her" he said to the angry boy knowing about bullying in general.

as he was also a victim of it too felt sorry for the girl that was now learning how to breath again "yeah bakubro midoriya is right leave her alone" a spiky red haired boy said to him "fine fine I'll leave her" he said to them as he walked away from you the student that helped you took you to the staff room after you were stable to move again. another student helped you pick up your books and returned them them. after you were tooken to the staff room you thanked them for helping you back there. you saw the teacher and showing them the maths question you were able to solve the problem you were having trouble with then the teacher stopped you "y/n how have you been doing?" the teacher asked you "ah well I'm doing great" you said to the teacher then you went home.

When you got home you saw your parents in the living room "hey mom hey dad" you said to your parents "hey love did you get question solved?" your mom said to you "hey I did" you said smiling "love we have something to ask you now you don't have to answer right away" your mom said to you "oh oK then what is it?" you asked her "right sit we want to know if you ok with  starting day classes at UA in a month" your dad said to you "it just that we both think that you able to control your disability enough to go into day classes in UA" your mom said to you. 

MHA boys x reader one-shot ScenariosKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat