''sleep tight my little fighter''

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junior Sniper denki kaminari x general leader reader twin cousins to sniper general kyoka jiro  

Sniper Au

Genre: smut, angst 

(🔞⚠️ mention of rape, pet name, kitchen sex 🔞⚠️)

you are were the same famous general leader y/n jiro and you are now undercover by your boss izuku to be a sniper for a mission it was exciting cause you get to be your twin cousin kyoka which don't get to see now cause of the big promotion you got last week. everyone was all geared for the big mission to stop a underground thugs organisation from selling illegal drugs to a business. you were talking to the group about what route to get so they wouldn't get caught the mission would be more successful ''you all understand the plan right'' you told them ''yes miss'' they said to you.

 ''good now get to your trucks we well be leaving soon'' you said to them as you left to talk to kyoka ''hey cous where is that junior sniper he missed out on the debriefing just now?'' you asked her. kyoka looked at you then heard running towards them ''well there he is now'' she says to you ''he's later yet again why did our boss izuku add him to this team?'' you asked her ''well you can always ask izuku after the mission is done'' she said to you ''nah i don't to loss my post at the moment'' you said to her. so as denki came over to you and kyoka ''well hello girls ... sorry i was later where is the general is she not coming?'' he asked you. 

'she left there but we have a male general instead for this mission'' you said to him ''cousin can talk to you?'' she asked you ''yeah what?'' you ask her ''hmmm he was on about you why are you not in charge for this mission?'' she asked you ''izuku asked me to keep him the junior sniper in line cause apparently last time he hurt a lot of crew member so he asked me to be under cover as a sniper'' you said to her ''so who is the general?'' she asked you ''hmm ida why we are both generals so to keep me undercover he will take over'' you said to her ''ok thats good so you are undercover ok i got you cous i won't tell anyone'' she said to you ''actually everyone knows that i'm doing this they got the briefing from izuku two days ago and well now you know too'' you said to her ''ok so everyone knows but denki?'' she asked you ''yeap pretty sure'' you said to her as you left her and went over to ida to go the plan once more. 

(fast-forward) you were with ida in the general's truck while the junior sniper was in the back of the truck as the other followed to the main truck. you heard talks in the back truck and giggling you looked back to see denki flirting with another recruit ''denki do you want your title of junior sniper took off you?'' you asked him ''ah no and your not the boss of me'' he said to you ''who does she think she is i mean your just another sniper so shut up'' lyra said laughing. denki laugh at what she said ''ida you tell him thats not your job now'' you said to ida ''lyra! denki! behave your i'll be reporting back to izuku on this and you'll both be striped of your title do i make myself clear now'' he said to them ''yes sir ida'' they said to him. as the mission went on you. your team finally got the thugs and the stuff they were trying to sell

(fast -forward an hour later) after giving the the drugs to the police and reporting what had happened in the truck with lyra and denki to your boss ''very well done general y/n you are free to go now and don't worry about those to i'll talk to them ok take care'' he said to you ''yes boss'' you said to him as you left his office in the main headquarters of the building. as you walk down the hall to your office you saw both denki and lyra kissing it out all over the wall when you heard on the speaker ''junior sniper lyra and denki come to me office now!'' izuku said on the mic. they stopped went to the office. 

you smirked and left them to go to yours. as you sat down and enjoyed your peaceful time alone. meanwhile at izuku's office ''you wanted to see us boss?'' they asked him ''yeah sit!...*(they both sat down)* ... i hear from general y/n and ida that you both were messing around and being rude in the back of the truck on the mission?'' he asked them. lyra laughed ''sir general y/n wasn't on the mission it was only general ida and some new sniper bitch'' she said ''well that bitch you call was general y/n'' he said ''what! so we were just messing'' denki said to him  '''oh you stupid boy and girl ... general y/n was there under my orders to watch over you and well what i hear is that you disobey her to shut up'' he said to him. 

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