dancing with the devil

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Mafia boss Katsuki bakugo x mafia male domma izuku midoriya

Genre: smut, angst
mafia Au

(⚠️🔞 pet names, caught office sex,🔞⚠️)

he was the most ruthless mafia boss in all of japan, his family name ran in every district, under tunnels in japan too, there was him at the top of it all. The boy's name was Katsuki Bakugou, mafia boss. It had said that he was told that he was met his mafia male domma fiance in a few months. Katsuki was very impatient about meeting whoever he/it was that he was to be married to. Honestly he didn't care what he/it was like nor did he want to know as he hanged out with his lieutenant, commanders of the gang, he grew up with them, went to school with them too ''so your not excited about meeting your fiance kacchan?'' Kaminari asked him ''what do you think sparky? I mean why would they want me to marry anyone? Or who would want to marry me?'' he asked them. These questions weren't not of being upset or annoyed more not frustrations ''chill dude all you have to just meet the guy thats all, see how it goes, you might like him'' kirishima said to him ''shut up shitty hair'' he said knowing that kirishima was right. (fast-forward a few months later) its was november, cold as the maids got the manor ready for his fiance arrival in a few hours, katsuki was nervous and annoyed, cause he didn't want to meet him and his own parents were still telling him to look his best, blah blah blah.

Izuku pov
I was nervous, as i'm meeting my fiance today, i do hope he likes me tho. I looked out of the car window, as the driver stopped the car and opened the passenger door ''sir hisashi . Midoriya, miss. Inko midoriya and sir izuku midoriya'' he said to me and my parents, as we walked to the door to see miss. Mitsuki Bakugou and Masaru Bakugou at the front door with their son, the mafia boss Katsuki bakugou. They greeted us, as they let us in. my parents in front talking to his, as walked behind them and him. ''It's nice to meet you at least'' i said to him with a smile ''yeah yeah likewise nerd'' he said back. As we walked to the office to here my parents and his parents still talking ''so, how long is sweet izuku going to be staying with us?'' Mitsuki asked my mother inko with a smile.

She saw me and katsuki, replying back to natsuki ''5 months or so'' she said ''wait you're staying here?'' he asked me with a shock expression ''yeah i thought that was obvious katsuki'' i said back. My parents stayed for dinner with the bakugou's then left to go back home. A maid brought me into a room that I would be staying in for 5 months. As I got accustomed to the staff, his man that worked for him, though some of them might of scared me a bit at first. I would notice my fiance katsuki would always go off with his man somewhere, i wanted to follow them, just to see where they always go off too, but i was always stopped in my tracks by a guard or a butler ''no sir you can't follow him, you won't like what you'll see'' they would say, like i was some dainty little flower that needs to be protected all the time, like i'm apart of a mafia family too.

Izuku was annoyed that he couldn't follow his fiance, he wanted to get to know him before their wedding, because izuku wasn't going to marry someone he doesn't know,  and always runs off with his man instead of being with his wife. So he snuck out of his room, followed them one night to find them in a room, drinking. He saw strip poles and females dancing in skimpy clothes. He didn't want to believe it, that his fiancé is into this sort of stuff, ''is this what he does for hours all day?'' he asked himself as he ran back to his room, cried into his pillow ''why would his fiance katsuki do this to him?'' he asked himself. Meanwhile back in the room, they stopped for a minute ''what was that noise? I swear I saw someone outside?'' kirishima asked ''well then why don't you check who it is?'' Katsuki said to him, kirishima went to the door to see someone running away.

He looked back at his boss Katsuki ''Ah boss, it was your fiancé izuku'' he said "what? Did you just say?" Katsuki asked him annoyed to hear it was his fiancé outside "it was izuku, boss" he repeated as he went back to sofa he was at with denki ''why would he ever want to come out here? ...... Unless he wants some thing?'' he thought ''so boss whatcha going to do about him? You can't let him tell people right?'' shoto asked him. ''oh yeah i'm not letting that happen! I'll be right back'' Katsuki said, left to find izuku, as he walked back into the manor, he asked around for his fiance izuku ''sir he's in his room'' they said to him, as katsuki smirked, walked down the hallway his fiance's bedroom. He knocked on the door ''izuku! Are you there? May I come in please! We need to talk?'' Katsuki asked. Izuku woke up from crying, as he wiped the tears of his eyes ''the door is open'' he said to katsuki.

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