My Little Miracles

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Pro hero izuku Midoriya x quirkless single mom dancer reader sister of mina ashido 

Genre: fluff

Dance Au

5 years after you gave birth to a miracle baby girl. Your little girl Anya. Your little genius. you knew she'll do great things when she grew up in the future. She has telepathy like her biological father who passed away when she was 3 years old from a car crash. From then on you as the sole protector of little Anya you vowed to the gods that you won't let her near anything that would hurt her. Or use her amazing telepathy power for evil. But enough about her for now let's talk about you. You are a quirkless girl, one of the few that will never get a quirk and like many of them that are left in this world. You have decided to move on and make a life for yourself. So you went to school, college, found love and had a family. Now you are a professional dancer at a dancing academy studio in Tokyo. It was close to where you live and a 20 minute car ride away from where your daughter Anya goes to school.

You were friends with some of them except for one girl. But for some reason she hates you. When you haven't done anything to her and well why would you. your life was perfect at the moment with your little girl. As the dance instructor, clapped her hands, you and others looked up at her said said ''girls take a break now''. As she left the room to get a coffee ''oh that was quite a workout'' mina said ''yeah i mean i know we are professionals but that intense'' you said back to her. You stretched out. You look out to see it was 4 almost 5. ''Shit y/n is Anya's school finished up soon should you go and collect her?'' Momo asked you.

as she looked at the clock in the dance room ''yeah i guess i'll see you next week'' you said to her. As you collect your bag and left the room ''she shouldn't be looking after her alone ik it's been two years since her bf died in that car crash but she hasn't come for help very since i am worried about her'' toru said ''yeah me too ribit'' sui said. Meanwhile you collected your little girl from school ''how was school?'' you asked her as you held her hand across the zebra crossing ''it was good i talked with my friend Becky in class and we got to have a longer break today'' she said to you ''really maybe we could invite your friend Becky over i'll like to met her some time'' you said to her.

(next week) you brought your daughter to school in the morning like normal then went to work. As you arrived you saw the one girl that hates you there with a boy you haven't seen before. You went over to mom and mina ''so, who's the new guy?'' you asked them ''apparently her bf idk how bitch like her got him'' momo said ''yeah i bet she love drugged him or something evil its in her nature'' mina said laughing ''yeah i wouldn't be surprised'' toru said to her ''well who ever he is i hope he wakes up and breaks up with her and finds someone else that is better for him'' you said ''like you ribit?'' Sui asked you ''oh no no not me he would never go for me guys come on i'm not ready for dating yet'' you said to her. As you start stretching before class. Your instructor came in ''uraraka, how many times have I told you not to bring in bf's into my class this your 10th boy this month'' she yelled at her, as she walked to her desk.

She looked at her ''sorry miss he was saying goodbye right deku?'' she asked him as she touched his arm ''yeah about that i think what we had is over uraraka so, see you around'' he said to her and left. ''Now uraraka come to me'' she said ''yes miss'' she said to the instructor ''this is been your 10 warning now, and you still have ignored me so return your dance shoes'' she said to her annoyed ''what about the others there worse than me .. y/n come is a show off miss you can't kick me out i'm the best in this academy'' she said to her trying make everything worse for every one ''dance shoes now uraraka!'' she yelled at her. Uraraka sighed and handed her shoes over to the instructor and left the room. She was angry that she never got her way so she left Japan with her parents to find better work. Meanwhile you danced with the girls before you left to pick up your daughter from school. (fast-forward) you had a day off of work so you took your little girl to the park to play. As she ran to the park a car flew around the corner. You weren't there to save your girl until you called out to her ''ANYA! Watch out! someone stop my daughter!'' you cried out as you thought the worst made happen.

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