Getting off on the wrong start?

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shoto todoroki x reader daughter of  Toshinori Yagi aka ( all might  )

Genre: smut, angst

college au

All of the characters are around 20 - 24 years old ok. You have been ignoring shoto todoroki for two years after he kissed momo yaoyorozu in front of everyone even though they weren't dating at all. He just decided to do it for the craic and to make you upset which of course worked to his favour. He would even bring her back to the apartment when he knew that you would be back at that time and have sex with her. You were very upset about this and had complained to your mom about this. She said ''i'll sort it out don't worry just get some sleep you'll feel better tomorrow'' on the phone ''fine alright mom bye'' you said hanging up the call to her. You did talk to your best friends myra, toru and classmates sui, mina and kyoka kendo and reiko about this ''you should get over him! he isn't worth your love anymore he is just a jerk'' mina said worried that if you keep going you will eventually fall into a pit of deep depression which all your friends and including your mom didn't want to see happen.

''Yeah ik that mina it's just hard yk i mean its shoto todoroki like how i'm supposed to get over him? I mean have you met the guy? it's physically impossible?'' you asked her ''well how you date someone else for a change?'' myra suggested ''did you not hear what i said about shoto it is just to physically impossible ok'' you said back to her ''ok well then you are going to fall into a pit of depression'' toru said ''tssk i don't want that ..ah maybe i guess but who then?'' you ask them. They thought about who you could go for ''hmmm... izuku is single or maybe katsuki, or sero they cute'' kyoka suggested ''yeah wasn't sero dating reiko or mina i forget now....., and isn't izuku with that blond girl Melissa shield'' you said back to them ''ok then it's settled y/n your dating katsuki until you get over shoto'' myra said smiling ''but he yells all the time'' you said back ''y/n Yagi you can't be picking about men anymore! now do you want to get over shoto or not?''  Myra asked ''I do want to get over him'' you said back to her.

So while your friends made you go out with katsuki bakugou, on the other hand momo was kicked out of the college for hurting the principal's daughter y/n Yagi and shoto was giving a warning. When shoto got news that you were dating katsuki bakugou he was kinda tooken back at the news that he got from izuku. He was shocked, he thought you were still stalking him but apparently not any - more now that you have a bf. Your friends and mom were happy that you smiling again as you were the jewel of the college. As shoto was still confused for another two years before finally being able to talk to you .... even though you were still dating katsuki bakugou. Ok ok let me start from the very beginning how this all happened.

>>Past - two years ago<<
Y/n Yagi pov
After I graduated from Ua high i packed my bags and left my mom's home and went off on a new adventure at the new Ua college for the young and gifted named after my father had retired. After enrolling I got my key to the apartment and went to open the door to see two other girls and three guys. ''So you're the new roomie? Hey i'm mina ashido, this is myra midoriya and then there is shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya and the last katsuki bakugou it's a pleasure to meet you'' she said to me ''hi, hi, hi, hi and hi i'm Y/n Yagi it's a pleasure'' i said back ''your all might's and the principal's daughter?'' izuku asked me ''yeah i am'' i said to him ''don't be such a nerd deku'' katsuki yelled ''don't yell at me that's not nice kacchan'' izuku said to him ''so, does this happen alot?'' i asked mina ''yeah pretty much everytime they see each other they fight'' mina said back to me ''oh ok we will show you to your room roomie since you will be bunking with us'' myra said to me.

As myra and mina showed me around the apartment. I could feel eyes on me. I looked back to see shoto todoroki. I ran back to the girls. He smirked and walked away. A month later. I was walking to the bathroom when I bumped into the same boy again. But this time coming around the corner of the hallway. I wasn't going to lie but he was hot and very good looking no wonder mina told me not to get a crush on him cause it will fail and he would just end up breaking your heart. I blushed at how fit he was like god damn ''can you stop thinking about me it's disgusting ok you may be all might's daughter but embarrassing for you think that you would ever be with me and btw i'm not into urgo's like you'' he said to me then walked away leaving me. I ran to the bathroom. I cried for hours. 

MHA boys x reader one-shot ScenariosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ