Chapter 1

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Name: Tsuyoi Shinzo 
Age in the Soul Society: 22
Age died on Earth: 22
Height: 5'7
Zanpakto: Disperse Honoo Tsubomi ( Disperse Flame Bud)
Character: Quiet, keen, strong, is a fighter, manners, great at fist-to-fist combat.
Good points: Understanding, caring, will never leave a person behind no matter what.
Bad Points: childish people, people who think that they're better than others, impolite people.
Lacks in: spells, and making friends
Parents: You'll find out soon
Squad and placement: Squad 10 seat 3
Likes: quiet peaceful places to think to self, and beautiful views
Appearance: grey eyes, black hair up to elbows, bangs to the right

Chapter 1 Tsuyoi Shinzo P.O.V.
        I sat uncomfortably in my seat filling out the packs of paperwork that my captain had handed to me. My captain was a short little boy with white hair, the lieutenant was a big breasted woman with long orange hair. She was somewhat always slacking off with the drinking, and ditching her paperwork. I'm constantly the one who has to chase her around and bring her back. I've died in the world of the living, and made it here, after arriving here, I immediately started my training in  a year and soon entered the 13 Squads, today is my 4th day here. My zanpakuto was the shortest one that there was, though it could be mistaken as a dagger. But my zanpakuto called Honoo was pretty powerful. More powerful than a lieutenant but no more than a captain's. I didn't want to be a lieutenant so I chose the 3rd seat instead to not cause attention. I stood from my chair and informed my captain, 
        "I'm going to Squad 8 to turn in these papers."
        "Go ahead Hisana- I mean... Tsuyoi," My captain nodded his head in approval without glancing at me. I paused, then walked toward the screen door and slid it open. After walking for a short amount of time, a question wandered into my head, why does everyone call me that? I thought to myself as I closed the door behind me as I stepped out. Today was a cool morning since it was in the middle of Spring, though was a bit cloudy and seemed very peaceful. I walked to the Squad 8's barracks and dropped off my finished paperwork. I stepped out and started towards my barracks. Then i saw the sun peering through the clouds, seeing its rays drop down  over a house that I couldn't see. My curiosity taking me my feet to places I didn't want to go, followed where my feet went. I passed by houses or barracks and stopped across a fence that was pretty big. Me in a trance of where the sun rays landed, jumped over the fence ignoring the feeling that I shouldn't be there. 
        I walked through a narrow door-like-way and stepped into an opening that was huge. From there I swore that I saw so many flowers that I could've have seen in my lifetime, even in the world of the living put together! In the middle of the flowers was a bridge standing over a river. The place was beautiful...but I never seen this place before...who would it belong to? I looked around and saw no one, so I went ahead to the bridge. I sat on the wooden boards looking through them. I smiled to myself watching a small family of ducks waddle in the water. I sighed to myself, bringing flashbacks of my parents, the screaming, glass shattering everywhere. I closed my eyes blocking out the painful flashbacks. I finally thought of my captain yelling at me for being late. So I got up and walked the same path that I came through.  

Byakuya P.O.V.

         I walked from my wife's grave and left her favorite flowers there for her. Walking back to my barrack and I decided to take a stroll into my garden, but something felt a little bit...out of place. I walked toward the bridge to where the spiritual pressure was the heaviest at. I walked and bent down touching the wooden floorboard to see if I recognized the pressure. But it was unfamiliar. Is it possible that it was a ryouka? I thought to myself then decided no, because  they wouldn't even find this place, let alone try to enter it. It seemed like nothing was damaged but to prevent anything from happening again I released a spell warning me if there were any intruders. Then with that I left.

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