Chapter 46

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Chapter 46
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

Since Byakuya and I were last in line to line up for the bus, we have gotten front row seats. The bus closed the entrance way and started to drive onto the road back home. I didn't want to fall asleep like the last time so I stayed awake the the first five minutes as we left camp, this time Byakuya had the window seat, while I wanted a last chance to see the scenery here before I return to the Soul Society in a couple of days because my mission was about to be over. I leaned back in my seat, the road was making me dizzy with all of these turns as the driver steered the wheel. Lina's bus was the first in front. I saw that it was about to make a turn around the corner then a big truck appeared from the same corner only the opposite direction...and it wasn't slowing down.

It slammed into Lina's bus flipping the whole bus over with such force that the bus had landed on it's back! Flames burst forth as the bus still laid on it's back. The truck too had burst into flames as well. My bus driver screeched into a stop at the sight of the burning bus and so did the second bus in front of us. Everybody that was in the bus had screamed when the bus driver had screeched into a stop. Without thinking, or another thought, I rushed forth from my seat and hurriedly pushed the door of the bus open.

"Tsuyoi! No!" I heard the last of Byakuya's voice trail behind me as I ran further to the burning bus. But I didn't care. Lina and the others were in there! I ran passed the second bus that had the bus door open and a teacher who was probably dialing for help. Trying to find a opening that didn't have flames. I finally found an open window with the glass smashed open. A hand hung ajar through the cracked window. Sending a punch at what remained of the glass, I hurriedly and gently pulled out whoever it was. Kashina! Blood trickled from her head as she coughed trying to breathe in oxygen.

"Where is Lina and the others!" I quickly asked her, as I pulled her out to the side and away from the burning bus. She glanced at me and then pointed to the bus. Running again towards the bus, I heard fire trucks coming about, and sirens that were wailing in the air. My hands already bleeding, I reached toward another window and punched it open trying to drag out the rest of the students that were still breathing. Finally I tugged onto the arm of Keitara.

"Oh my god!' I pulled her further away from the bus, "Were Lina and the others sitting beside you!?" She gave cough and held her stomach in pain as she nodded. Glimpsing down at her was struck with glass. Quickly I tried to pull the largest of the glass away but Keitara's whimpering kept me from going any further. 

"I don't think I'll make it Tsuyoi," She tried her best to breathe normally. I shook my head tears streaming down my cheeks.

"No, you'll make it," My voice broke as I tried to say words of comfort to her. She gave a light smile and grasped my hand. She shook her head. I watched as my tears fell onto her blood covered face.

"Wait!" I said to her after thinking. "You won't die just yet!" I said trying to raise my voice a little louder for her to hear. "The Soul Society remember!" I smiled. Her eyes widened as she shook her head in agreement. "So the first thing that will happen is that you'll float up there and will land in a place called Rukongai. The place is very sketchy but try to go into the middle of the town, where a dried and broken fountain will be sitting. Ask others if you don't know where it is ok?" I described to her where I'd meet her. "Try to find the others, and I'll be searching for you," I tried my best to tell her quickly before her time was gone. She gave a determined nod and was about to say something but then she breathed her last and her head fell limp in my lap. Something dropped from inside of me as I laid her down gently. 

By now, the firemen were trying to put out the fire, others broke into the bus trying to rescue those that were still alive. Many rolling beds were rolled out to lay the victims while the doctors tried their best to heal the injured. Running to a paramedic I asked him if he had seen a girl with two pigtails to the side. The paramedic looked at me sadly and pointed to a rolling bed that was covered in a sheet...I only knew what had laid underneath. Without hesitation I pulled back the covers to see a scorched Lina with glass that had stuck through her skin. I felt myself wince at her un-moving figure and tried to take deep breaths...and telling myself that this was not the end. I covered her body with sheet with my eyes closed. I felt my legs give way underneath me, falling to my knees as I cried into my hands. WHY! WHY THEM! I felt myself silently screaming. I know that I'll be able to see them but it won't be the same anymore! Lina! Her happy smile flashed through my mind as I cried even harder.

Why is everyone I'm with, disappearing when I'm with them! A flash back of a hardwood floor covered my vision as I was engulfed into my memory. Running up the hardwood stairs I saw from my room a light that was lit underneath the door of my room. The flash back stopped as I fell backwards as I covered my eyes in much blood...from the ground my eyes laid on glass that was shattered from the bus' windows. Images of shattered glass too started to eat at my mind. Mom, dad! I pulled my hands from my face as I for the first time saw my hands. They had dried blood that was running down. I screamed in fright at my very own arms, my mind unclear and hallucinating. I screamed yet again trying to tear away at the dried blood that was stuck on my skin. I only made it worse by creating more injuries. I screamed even louder until I felt a hand try to pry away my fingers that were clawing my arm. 

I grabbed the hand that was trying to stop mine, I threw the person so they'll land beside me and pinned that person to the ground. My hand on their neck. I stopped abruptly when I saw it was Byakuya's neck I had in my hands. I crawled back away in shock as he sat up pulling me into a hug. Fear coursed through my very veins as he hugged me close to him trying to comfort me...I clung onto him crying my eyes out until the last thing I remembered seeing was the fire from the bus still dancing in my eyes. Then everything went black.

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