Chapter 10

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I turned around facing where the voice came from. I saw Byakuya walking from the shadows and into the light, he wore the same clothing that he always had just...he didn't have his scarf is all. He walked closer and closer to me.

"How are your injuries?" He looked down towards me, I looked back at him,

"They're fine," I said averting away my gaze, I noticed that he too did the same,

"Are you able to walk?" He once again looked down to me, I held his gaze and gave a nod. To show him that I could, I stood up perfectly and tried as much as possible to walk normally. I made it across the room and walked back to where he stood. I passed him just by a couple inches, then my vision went black. But just because my vision went black, I could still feel his warm firm hands catch me as I fell back into his arms. I made a small UGH sound as I fell into his arms. I opened my eyes the blackness disappearing, I looked up and saw that he caught me with his eyes closed, then he opened them, not big, but not into little small slits either. It's as if they were telling me "Don't worry I'll always catch you," I gently pushed him away from me,

"That was unnecessary," I said finally finding strength in my feet again, and walked towards the bathroom. Before I entered the bathroom, I turned his way and said to him "Thank you," His side was facing me, when he heard me say thank you, he closed his eyes as if in understandment, and I left him there hoping the next time I come from the bathroom, he'll be gone. After using the restroom, I peeked out of my door to where my empty futon lay. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked folding the blanket that my futon held. After straightening everything, I looked outside noticing that it was still dark out.

I checked what I was changed into, a gigai wearing some sweatpants and a long-sleeved T-shirt. I grabbed my tennis shoes with some socks and headed out because at times like this...I really want to think. Remembering to pack my soul candy and zanpakuto, I slid the door open revealing a warm breeze that greeted me. I put on my socks and shoes and walked to wherever my feet were taking me.

"Master, I don't think that it's a good idea for you to be out since the poison is still in your body, and not yet cured," I heard my zanpakuto pipe up.

"Don't worry..." I assured her, "I just...need some time to think about a couple of things." I said picking up a strand of my hair so it would sit behind my ear.

"I know that but..." my zanpakuto stammered, "No one will be there if you black out..." her voice got quiet. I smiled at the thought of my zanpakuto worrying about me,

"As I said before, your master will be fine," I caressed my zanpakuto softly "I won't be out for long," I put her inside my pocket, as I did I felt her relax a bit. I walked on the sidewalk, the lights lighting my path on where to go next. I walked blindly just going where ever there was to go. I couldn't get lost because I always will find my way back any other how. I sighed, thinking about my parents and how proud they would have been if they seen me now. I winced remembering the last memory I had of them...smoke...knives...kill...I narrowed my eyes pushing away the unpleasant thought.

I felt something brush around me, I flinched unsure at first on what it was. Finally opening my eyes to where I walked to, I was in a empty walkway that was full of trees that were turned different colors because of autumn. I saw lights were was beautiful. my lips curled into a small smile. It disappeared as I saw buds on the trees began to grow at super speed! Is this possible in the World of the Living!? I stood back unsure if it was normal. Pink blossoms protruded from the buds. I stopped for a second wondering if it was safe to touch. My finger traced the blossom petal, it fell softly onto my hand.

I lifted the flower to my nose to smell it, I smelled sweet. I softly blew it from my hand and watched it flutter away farther from me. I smiled yet again. I walked about looking left and right at the blossoming trees. Then, I stopped, I saw a figure that was standing near a tree with his hand out-stretched as if commanding it to bloom. I hid by a nearby tree and recognized his haori with it saying "Squad 6" I breathed out a frantc sigh. Who else would it be other than Captain Byakuya Kuchiki?

"I know you're there." I heard him speak, my eyes widened at the fact that I didn't hide my reiastu. Without hesitation I stepped forth from the tree that I hid behind and walked towards him. He turned to me so that I could see his face. "You are not yet well," He said to me as I stopped halfway to him. I looked to the side,

"I am not of your concern," I flicked my eyes to him. He too never changed his expression as I retorted back a comment. He walked toward me, but I never backed away.

"Very true," He walked passed me, "But I rather not take the chances of having responsibility over you," I heard him say as he kept walking. I breathed out a small quiet sigh as he passed by. Then heard a beeping that was coming from what seemed to be...Byakuya? I turned around recognizing that beeping noise. A hollow detector. I must say, it really is funny just to see a captain start to familiarize with himself with a cell phone. He closed the phone and raced ahead without me. Irritation prickled through me as he left me be. How stubborn, I thought as I burst forth from my gigai, after popping the soul candy into my mouth. Byakuya didn't need the pill because he wasn't even wearing a gigai.

"Get to the house," I ordered my gigai, she nodded her head as I rushed after him trying to find a trace of his reiastu.

I came across what seemed to be the abandoned part of a building. Searching for Byakuya he was battling with three adjuchas...why are they here? I wondered as I flash stepped closer to where he battled.

"Disperse Honoo," Flames protruded from Honoo as I lunged at the adjuchas that tried to reach Byakuya's back with a dangerous slash to his back when he was distracted. Sparks flew as I slashed away from it's long claws, that came forth from it's paws.

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