Chapter 22

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"Ah Lina! Your up!" I said trying to reach where she sat up,
"Hey!" I felt Byakuya grab my waist avoiding the part where my burns were at, "Stay here! I'm not finished yet!"
"I don't care! I need to talk to her," I protested,
"Well, wait until I'm done," He countered.
"Uh...You know the view from here is VERY disturbing right?" Lina said with a smirk spread across her face. I looked down and noticed my shirt was still up covering my breast, and Byakuya's hands still rested on my stomach, covering my belly button. I saw him turn away, not letting me see his expression but I'm pretty sure I saw a slight shade of red. I gave a half smile to myself and noticed that Lina was still staring. Turning back to her. I asked,
"What did you remember from today?" I stared intently into her eyes. She thought for a second playing back and through her thoughts, then replied with a,
"Oh! I remember that there was this really weird guy and he seemed to be fighting midair for all that mattered. Then he seemed to look like he gripped something," I saw her eyes narrow trying her best to remember, "Then you appeared, you seemed to have had the whip thing around his throat, but then he grabbed it dragging you down, where I was." I nodded my head in agreement.
"Okay," I said standing up to meet Byakuya's eyes,
"Wait...what exactly are you," I heard Lina say. I dropped my gaze from Byakuya's and sighed. Turning around, I kneeled down in front of her, and rested my hand onto her head.

"Even if I do tell you," I closed my eyes, "You won't remember after this." I opened my eyes to stare at hers. A blue beam formed into my hand as I rested it on her head.
"NO!" She shoved me away, I stumbled back in shock, as the blue beam seemed to falter in my hand. "W-what?" I said as I came closer to her, trying to release the beam.
"I don't want to forget!" She yelled, running from her futon, and having to make me chase her around the living room. She was surprisingly fast for a human girl.
"Ugh, that's it Byakuya, hold her," I saw amusement run through his eyes, then faded away, going back to how he usually looked. He obeyed as he locked Lina's hands behind her. I once again sent out the light blue beam from my palms.
"No!" she screamed trying to pry herself away from Byakuya,
"*Tsk* calm down! I'm not going to erase all of them! Just the ones that you happened to see today! That's all! Gosh! You're so annoying!" I growled.
"NO! I don't wanna forget what you did to save me!" She cried, Oh my god. This girl is so ANNOYING. I felt myself start to tense up, as I reached to where she was being held. She looked to me with her pleaing tear-filled eyes. I stopped half-way, when setting the beam onto her forehead. And turned around.
"God, you're annoying...You better not tell anyone about this." I said walking away. I heard her give out a squeal of delight and felt someone, grab my waist. She held on with a smile on her face. While I was trying to pluck the little girl away from me. I looked to Byakuya for help, but he just walked past me.
"Just this once...I'll break the rules for you," He whispered to me, "I won't do it any other time now," Then he left me along with Lina. I thought for a second the penalty of letting someone know about a soul reaper. I relaxed touching Lina's head, trying to comfort myself how no one will be able to find out. Lina hugged me even tighter, then let me go.
"Where am I at?" She said looking around,
"At a place where I'm spending the night at," I said, I saw her look out the window, then me wondering if her parents would be worried asked, "Aren't your parents going to worry about you? I's getting pretty late and everything,"
"Oh don't worry," She looked away from window to answer me, "I told them I'll be spending the night at a friend's place, is all," She hopped back into her futon. Getting under the covers.
"At who's place? I'll take you there," I said.
"Silly," She gave a hearty laugh, "I'll be at your house," She gave me a smile. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance at her answer.
"Fine, I'll talk to the owner about it," I stomped away to Kisuke's room, and told him about the visitor. The perv, seemed pretty much delighted at the fact of a high school girl staying at his place. I rolled my eyes, as he followed me out into the livingroom...where was Lina? Ugh, don't tell me she went wandering on her own. I crossed the living room, to the was bare, then I saw a little light, that was flickering outside in the backyard, finding that the whole gang was back there. It too seemed that my captain and his lieutenant were also back.
I saw the little bouncing girl, running As from what I saw, she was rushing around helping Tessai pack things into a lunch bag.
"What 's going on?" I said trying to figure out why were they packing,
"*Tsk* Kisuke told us that we're going out on a Hanami. (A time where the cherry blossoms will stop blooming, since winter is coming, so just a picnic under the cherry blossoms), and it's not that I WANT to do it, it's paying him back for letting us sleep over here."My captain said to me. I narrowed my eyes, looking at Kisuke. He fanned himself with a humongous smile on his face. I stormed back into house only to be dragged back out by Kisuke.
"What you think you're doin?" Kisuke said,
"Sleep! It's too dark to have a hanami, you crazy old man!" I said trying to wriggle out of the scruff of my shirt.
"Old?" He said in shock letting go of me, he put the back of his hand to his forehead in a fainting gesture, "How cruel Tsuyoi,"He sniffed,
"Whatever!" I said slamming the door behind me. I stomped to my room and slammed the door, I turned around so that I faced my room, and was greeted by Byakuya with a questioning look on his face. I felt my eyes begin to turn huge,
"Uh..." I stumbled for the right words. "I...forgot, I was sharing a room," I said.
"It's ok," He said turning around to finish his paperwork. Now that I think about it...he's always doing paperwork...well can't expect anything less from a captain. I said to myself. A little curious on what he was writing, I peeked over his shoulder. He turned to me with a questioning look once again. He scooted a bit farther, for me to see what he was writing. Calligraphy...I can't read so much of it, or write, but I can make out a couple of characters. It was a poem, for all that I knew.
"You like doing this?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows.
" is very calming," He said to me. I gave a frown and a smirk, but was soon followed by a little laugh. I walked away to sit on the bed.
"Do you know how to write?" He asked turning around from his chair to face me. I narrowed one of my eyes in amusement, and shook my head.
"Do want to learn how?" He asked me. I looked from my bed, and to him. Holding his gaze, I obliged, sure why not? It'll probably benefit me in the future. I nodded my head. He motioned me with his hand, to come sit down in his seat as he stood. I sat down as he spread out a new sheet of paper. Dipping his brush in ink, he gave it to me. I stared at the paper, dumbstruck at what to do. I don't even know the right way to hold this damn brush! I felt his fingers entwine around mine as we both pressed the brush on the paper. I watched as the ink was gracefully written in calligraphy, by my hand.
"Whoa!" I said, as I lifted the pen from the paper, "What did I write?" I said turning around only to see that he was too close to me...too close that I could feel his breath.
"Cherry blossoms," He said turning himself away so that he could give himself and I more space. I turned around quickly telling myself that I was only imagining things because...I looked to the ground...I don't want to fall for someone...anymore...
"Are you going to the hanami?" He said changing the subject, his tone didn't seem scary or mean but...curiosity? I sighed, setting the pen down shaking my head as I got up from my seat.
"I don't really...have a really nice kimono...I don't want to ask Kisuke either, he's done too much for me." I crossed paths with him, sitting down on the bed. Looking at the bare walls. Then it just had to be that moment when Rangiku, opened the door, pulled me into a headlock dragging me out the door. She shut the door to my bedroom.
"Ow! Rangiku! Your gonna tear off my head!" I said trying to claw at her arms, which seemed to have no effect on her what so ever. I noticed that she was dragging me towards her room.
"What's this?" She gave me a hard noogie, "No proper kimono?! Did you forget about the fashionista who was in the house?" She released me from her arms to point to herself blowing me a kiss. I dodged the kiss teasingly making sure it didn't hit me. She glared at me her grey eyes huge, for a second I thought she was going to chase after me but...she was digging in her bag for something. Then to my surprise she pulled out a pink kimono. A PINK kimono. I heard a "Oh no," come from my lips. She turned around facing me with an evil grin on her face.I made a run to the door, but then I felt something heavy that landed on top of me. I knew it was Rangiku because who can weigh as much as this? She finally got off of me, and she has a REALLY bad habit of doing this.
She tried to dress me on my own. Everything already came off, except my under clothing. I was shrieking for her to stop, I even pulled Honoo out from her sheath. But what was the use? I didn't want to burn down his house with her! I saw the door open, as a curious Kisuke looked in.
"GET OUT YOU PERV!" Rangiku and I said in unison, both tossing something back at him. Only to reach and hit the door at the same time altogether.
"Ok, Ok," He chuckled closing the door. Finally breathing out a sigh of relief, I sat down only. Only to be sat on again. I writhed under her humongous body, as she tried to put that CURSED kimono onto me. Then feeling that she wasn't on me any longer. I stood up. I looked myself in the mirror wondering how did that woman put this on me with me struggling. Then she appeared beside me with dark, blue silk kimono revealing a little bit of the too much cleavage. I pulled off the string that tied the layers of the kimono together, but didn't have enough time because Rangiku carried me out of the room. I could hear Kisuke hollering that they were about to leave.
"Put me down! It's too late for a hanami you idiots!" I said as she carried me out of the door, I saw my breath turn into fog. "And it's too damn cold!" Rangiku never put me down though. UNTIL we reached our destination. Afterwards I felt her stop, and put me down to the ground to join Kisuke in the drinking. The view I saw was most dazzling. There were lights where the cherry blossoms was taken place at.
The blossoms seemed to glow pink as they slowly fell. There were wooden benches that were stacked on each side of a cherry blossom. It seemed Kisuke was pretty quick to spread out everything out onto the ground, because there was food everywhere and...drinks. No surprise. I've only been here less than a minute and their already drunk. Everybody was really dressed out today. My captain in a dark grey kimono. Kisuke a green one. For me, this was the first time for me seeing Taicho in a dark blue kimono. Little Ururu was in a bright pink one, and Jinata was in bright red. Lina must've borrowed one from Kisuke because she wore a dark silky purple. Byakuya on the other hand, surprisingly wore a green one. Not a old green was ok.
I sat away from the group on my own. Noticing that I myself, was in a grumpy mood. Instead of partying, I just sat on one of the benches closest to the little picnic that they had planned. I sat down with my arms crossed. I didn't seem like the only one who was sick of this. My captain came and sat roughly next to me with annoyed look on his face.
"God, Rangiku won't stop drinking," He said to me, eyeing Rangiku, probably cursing at her in his little mind. I gave a half-smile to him, but looked at Kisuke who toppled over. Food was splattered everywhere. I saw my captain twitch to the side as Kisuke called our for help. I saw him get up to help Kisuke up to his feet, I sat chuckling to myself. I shivered, clutching my hands together hoping that they'll be enough to gather warmth.
"Are you cold?" A voice asked me, I turned to see Byakuya standing behind me, his arms crossed as he met eyes with me. I, for a second paused, then turned around facing away from him.
"No," I replied not even bothering to look at him as I spoke. He waited as if knowing that I was cold, but only waiting for me to admit it. But I never did, and I wasn't about to.
"Here," He handed to me a warm cup of steamy tea. My eyes grew big, remembering that he did not have that earlier. A thought hit that he IS a captain, and was probably fast at using flash step. For a second I didn't take it, but the cold was getting to me, so I took it without looking at him.
"Thanks," I murmured under my breath, hoping he'll heard the sound but not the words.
"May I sit next to you?" I heard him ask. I paused for a second, then scooted over making space for him to sit. He took a seat, and sat formally sipping his tea...he's so...formal. With both my hands I put the cup to my mouth, and embraced the warm liquid sliding down my throat, warming up my body. It felt...good.

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