Chapter 12

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

       I met my gigai in the kitchen as I washed the bowl the was mixed with the tap water and Byakuya's blood. Drying my hands onto a towel I said to her,

        "Hey," I folded the towel and set it onto the counter,"I need my gigai back, do you mind?" She gave me a nod and returned into a soul pill leaving my gigai limp in my arms. As I returned to it, I walked to the livingroom only to see that Byakuya was not there. Perhaps he was in his room. I opened the door to the bathroom and twisted the knob waiting for the hot water to turn on.  I cursed at myself silently as I was going to go take a shower. Since my wounds were all healed, I'm going to have to re-apply them once again. I stripped down and stepped into the shower, the warmth bouncing of of my gigai's skin. Just then the long hair that was on my gigai started to shrink into the same length that my original hair was. I held out a chunk of what was left of it.

        Then sighed, thinking that Kisuke probably had made it morph into my real body and also the structure of my hair. I rubbed my head with the shampoo and saw a trickle of blood run down my shoulder. I felt my neck and saw that it was bloodied once again. I guess the injuries that were on me too were seen through my gigai. I conditioned my hair. My stomach gave a gurgle as I clutched it. It seems I was hungry...but I don't think that there was any food in the fridge...I closed my eyes, then opened them again. I guess I'll have to go shopping then. Now that I think about it...I paused in the middle of my shower. What time is it? And where are the others? I turned the knob off, stopping the water. I slid open the glass door that separated the bathtub from the bathroom. and came to a realization...I didn't have my towel.

         I bit my bottom lip in frustration, at the thought of how in the world was I going to get my towel? Because it was in...Byakuya's room (my room but Kisuke gave it to him)...great, just great. I sighed to myself. I didn't want to walk into the room naked! I thought about what I should do...all my ideas lowered down to one for Byakuya. I sighed, for that was the only idea that seemed possible for the moment. I quickly walked to the door trying not to slip on water. I opening the door a crack and I yelled loud enough for him to hear me.

        "Uh...Byakuya?" I called down the hallway. I saw the door open and a figure walk through the doorway and stopped at my door, which I quickly closed.

        "I-sorta need my's in your room..hanging on the closet door," I said trying to think that, that was were my towel was. Not sure if he understood but I heard his footsteps echo farther away, then soon returned. He gave a soft knock on the door, I opened it a crack, I saw his hand reach through the small opening of the door holding my light blue towel. I took it and closed the door. I rubbed my long hair dry with the towel, and wiped the beads of water off of my body. I wrapped my towel around me bath towel style and peeked out the door. Since no one was there i made it to Rangiku's room and found a shirt and some shorts.

        I opened the door rubbing my head with the towel. I looked around and didn't see Byakuya, so assuming that he was in his room, I left to the backyard to hang my towel to dry. Has this much time passed? It was morning already! But it was a nice autumn day, a bit cold, but not too much. The backyard wasn't that big, it was small space but for me it seemed perfect. I looked to the sky and saw a flock of birds fly in a V formation. The sky was blue with a little bit of the white clouds towering up ahead. Telling myself that now was a good time to go shopping would be right now. I walked from the backyard and slid the door closed behind me as I re-entered the house. I searched through-out Rangiku's room for a hair dryer. Finally fishing it out of her huge bag she brought from the Soul Society, I blew dry my hair for five minutes. I unplugged it, and examined my unevenly cut hair. I braided the long part, and tied most of my short hair, so that it looked like a better style than how it was earlier. I wanted to wear something a bit more fitting than Rangiku's big clothing to go out so I knocked on Byakuya's door, because that was where all my clothes were at. 

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