Chapter 24

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I woke up pretty earlier to find myself sleeping next to Lina. She breathed softly, fast asleep. I softly lifted myself off of the bed, careful not to wake her up. It seemed that Byakuya didn't sleep the night here. Remembering that I still had on Rangiku's kimono, I took it off folding it nicely,taking out Byakuys's hair ornaments, and trying to straighten out the wrinkles that I made while sleeping and pulling over me some shorts and a T-shirt. I opened the door quietly and closed it behind me. I saw that not a lot of everybody was up. Only my captain Rangiku and Byakuya. I bid everyone a low good morning and used the restroom. After I was done, I went to check for Lina. I opened the door and found her making my bed. She smiled at me and opened the curtains so the sun rays brightened the room. She was wearing my pajamas, but I didn't mind. After dressing ourselves, we both made it to the living room for breakfast. I sat as far as I could from Byakuya, afraid of what might happen if we somehow got closer.
I helped Lina with the dishes. She washed while I wiped. Drying our hands on towels, we grabbed our bags and were waited by Byakuya. The three of us at first walked in silence, as always Lina was the first one to break it.
"The hanami was pretty fun right you guys?" Lina looked to me then to Byakuya, I nodded my head, him doing the same. A frown came across her face.
"You two don't talk much do you?" She said, dropping her hands and shoulders down in boredom. I thought about it to can she be so cheerful?
"Well..."I paused searching for the right words, "There really isn't anything to talk about...really," I replied, looking at a falling leaf swirl down from a neighbor's tree. I heard a gasp come from Lina, she had her hand smacked to her chest, her face in a shocked look. She then hopped forward with her legs spread into a into a half-split as she was quoting something from Shakespeare about having fun everyday. I ignored her looking to the side of the road, as cars roared by. I saw a on the other side of the road what seemed like...a boy? About the age of 5 or 6. As a car drove by blocking my view from the little boy, when it passed he disappeared. I looked harder at where I last saw him but...nothing. I sense no reiatsu from the place he stood either. My thoughts were interrupted by bag colliding with my head.
"Ow!" I gritted my teeth, my hand to my head trying to press out the pain from the injury. "What was that for?" I closed my eyes trying to ignore the pain. But the pain wasn't a hard, big pain...but it was sharp. "Geez what do you have in there?" I said still rubbing my head. She gave me, a evil smirk and muttered,
"If you were listening then you would KNOW!" She smacked me again. This time whatever was in the bag jabbed me even harder. Having enough, I grabbed her bag. Opened it to find a pair of scissors. So THAT'S what was poking me earlier. I felt my blood start to boil.
"Why in the world do you have a SCISSOR in here!" I yelled, straight into her ear, pulling it as a mother would to a naughty child. She yelled in pain, I dragged her to the front of the school and into her classroom. Her friends were there at the window talking, but soon focused on us when I dragged her in.
"Ow! Tsuyoi! We're at school already! You could let me go!" She yelped. I did as she said, and spent five minutes lecturing her on how dangerous it is to carry an object like that too school. When I was finished, Lina was still rubbing her ears while the rest of her friends were laughing their behinds off. She glared at them.
"Aren't ya gonna help me?" She asked to her friends,
"Nope," Miyori gave a teasing smile, patting her on the head. Hikana gave a warm smile, trying her best to look at her ear, hoping that it won't be caused anymore harm. Keitara, grabbed both Miyori and Lina pulling them into an embrace. I looked at them with a solemn face. Friends...I thought...looking down to the ground...friends...
"Yo." Miyori, made a peace sign towards me. I looked away from the ground to her green eyes, and made a small "Hmm?" sound, she looked at me with a frown, then slowly pulled into a smirk.
"Ya comin to our event tonight?" She said to me, then all eyes focused on me, waiting for an answer.
"What event?" Hikana pointed behind me, I followed her direction that led to a poster. It said something about hosting a tea party, and that every classroom was going to do it. I'm suggesting that this homeroom was hosting a tea party. Now that I think about it...I only came yesterday, yet I have no idea what my homeroom was doing. Turning back to them I shrugged my shoulders.
"It's time to go." A familiar voice informed me. Byakuya was standing next to me. I nodded my head and stood up to leave.
"Hey!" Keitara called out. Byukuya and I turned around to see what was it that she wanted. "Kuchiki! Make sure you both come to our events!" She gave a evil grin. "We'll win your class if sure!" She made a fist. Byakuya glanced at her and went in his way to the homeroom.
"I'll try to make it then," I saw their face start to brighten up, and said "Ok!" In unison as I shut the door to their class behind me. The bell rang as I took a seat. The homeroom teacher walked in his arms full of colored construction paper, and a brown box. He set it down with a smack on his desk. The students closest to his desk jumped at the sound that came from slamming the things down. The teacher set his hands onto his desk and sent out a glare.
"You guys are SOOO behind the other classrooms!" He threw his hands in the air, "They already finished their preparations for tonight!" He pushed his wired glasses closer to his face, and pointed dramatically at the students and scolding them for falling behind.
"Today, you guys will work ALL DAY, making these flowers! So hurry!" He grouched, "I'm not losing to Class A because of this!?" He out his hands crossing his chest and sent out a dramatic evil laugh. "I will soon get that dinner at the buffet that I always had my eyes on!" He put his hands together and pressing it to the side of his cheek, drool followed through his mouth. I stared at the window ignoring the horrid sight that was happening before me. The front row was instructed to pass out the colored construction paper. I stared at the papers blankly, trying my best to remember how to make a good flower.
The sound of laughter and papers thrown everywhere went through my mind...I miss those good times...with...I closed my eyes. Blood dripped from daggers and piercing screams calling out my name. I opened my eyes in shock. After a while I bit my bottom lip, telling myself that I was getting close...She'll turn up sooner or later...She promised...and by then...I'll be ready...and stronger than I'll ever be...I'll be waiting for you...I sent out a warning.

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