Chapter 52

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Chapter 52
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I breathed out a loud sigh, Byakuya turned around at the noise that was made behind him. His eyes...still hasn't changed...still filled with worry...and sadness. I walked pass him and opened the door leading to my barracks. I glanced at him and motioned him with my eyes to come inside. Without a word he knew what I wanted. I left him to close the gate, as I opened the front door. I, too heard the door close behind me. Walking to the kitchen I set the stove on the kettle and started the tea...I'll need a lot tonight. In my living room Byakuya waited for me as he sat down on the couch. Breathing out another sigh, I finally strolled across the room and sat on the other couch across from where he sat. He stared intently into my eyes and waited...for an explanation maybe...

"You're probably wondering on why I attacked her earlier huh?" I closed my eyes, leaned over to set my elbows on my knees and rested my head into both my palms as I faced the floor. He didn't say taking that as a sign I continued, "Her name is Hiresuna Uragirimono...back in the world of the living we were best friends back in college...we were second years..."

"Tsuyoi!" A younger Hiresuna shouted to me as I walked on by. I stopped in my tracks and waited for her to catch up to me and Kai. She hurried over and stopped in front of me.
"Aw did you come late again?" Kai asked her, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my hair. I gave a light smile and wrapped my arms around his.

"No! My step-mom didn't wake me up!" She grumbled and walked on ahead first. Separating my hands from Kai's I ran up to reach her. When she saw she gave a smile. I looked back to Kai and he smiled and held my hand as we walked to our college.

Flashback stops
I lifted my head from my hands and looked at him straight in the eyes...I saw a bit of hurt there...was it because I didn't tell him I did have a lover before I died?

"Kai..." I gave light smile towards the ground, "He was my lover...a caring person who had a big heart that would not stop loving." I breathed out an exasperated sigh.

Flashback continues
"Come on! Get into the pool!" My coach shouted to the rest of the team. I dove straight into the deep part and started to swim until I touched the other side of the pool. I came up for air and started towards the other way, stopping mid-swim for air then continued until I reached the side that I first started. I bobbed up and tagged Hiresuna who had smiled upon to me, when our hands touched she took her turn jumping into the pool. I pulled myself up and out of the water. From behind me, I felt a towel that was wrapped around my shoulders.

"Thanks coach," I rubbed my face with the towel trying to dry myself for the short amount of time. She smiled and gave a nod and said to me before she left.

"Keep up the good work kay? You're by far the best student I have," She blew her whistle once again, "Hiresuna! Paddle harder! Don't stop half-way to long!" I saw Hiresuna give a small scowl and continued to swim. 

"Tsuyoi!" I heard someone call me through the fence that surrounded a fraction of the pool. Turning towards the direction, Kai walked towards me with a smile. I stood up as he made his way to me. He gave me a kiss on the lips and pulled the towel from my shoulders and rubbed my hair for me. I gave a smile and kissed him once more.

"Hey you won't make it to your house until later right?" Hiresuna appeared from beside me as I stopped kissing Kai. She had her hair down and slung over her beautifully.

"Well no because the boxing coach needs me for the moment, for more training. But tell my parents I'll be able to make it for dinner," I thought about it for a second, "You'll be at my place tonight right?" She gave a nod of her head. Turning to Kai, "You wait for me alright?" he gave a nod of his head and kissed me once last time. 

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