Chapter 64

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Chapter 64
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

After the meeting was over Byakuya never got the chance to take me home because he had to stay and file some reports. The road bumped from underneath me as I rode back to the manor. I stared out of the window, the buildings passed on by, and groves of cherry trees whizzed on. Day dreaming I never noticed that I had arrived at the manor. The butler opened the door for me and lended me a hand. I smiled at the elder and walked towards the gates, the guards gave a respectful bow and opened the gate. I walked through giving them a curt nod, telling them that I was going to be in the library. I stayed there for at least two hours, picking up book after book until I came across a sewing book. I grabbed it and sat myself down onto a comforter. Flipping through the pages the things on there seemed to be easy for a beginner like me. Picking up an idea I walked opening the screen door and found a servant walking by with towels in her hands.

"Excuse me but would you mind if I go take a stroll into town today?" I asked the younger woman. For a second she looked behind her to see if I was talking to her

"W-well I'm not sure how the young master would react to that Madam Kuchiki, " She stuttered not looking me in the eye as she stared down at her towels.

"Do I need an escort perhaps?" I widened my eyes and shaped my lips in a "O", the servant hesitated looking back her towels and kept glancing at me nervously.

"I think so Madam Kuchiki," 

"Well perhaps you would like to accompany me," I walked quickly away making my way down the stairs and onto the second floor. The servant hurriedly following me.

"Oh Madam Kuchiki! Please slow down! Don't forget that you are with child!" She said breathlessly as she caught up to me, I smiled to her waving away.

"Do not worry so much, a little exercise isn't so bad," I gave a light smile and tugged at her hand leading her down the staircases faster, "It won't harm the baby,"

"Oh but what about the young master? Will he not be angry that I let you out the manor?!" She had a hesitant look that clouded her brilliant purple eyes.

"I will handle him." We finally made it to the bottom of the staircase where there was a elderly servant dusting away an ancient vase that was probably there for a long period of time.

"Come! We are going to town!" I held on gently to the elder's hand and pulled her away from the vase. Not far near the door I saw the head butler there with a puzzled look on his face.

"Madam Kuchiki?!" The older woman looked at me with shock and saw that I was holding her hand. I smiled and told her that I was going to town and needed an escort.

"To town? Did the young master approve of this Lady Kuchiki?" The butler asked as I walked closer to where he stood. I lied nodding my head. For a second he tried to think about it then opened the door for me and the servants to leave. It seemed that there was already a carriage in waiting. The head butler opened the door and ushered us in. Then closed the door. The servants didn't look at me but to the ground instead.

"Why are you guys so quiet?" I laughed with a smile. They still didn't look at me, I gave a heavy sigh and held both of their hands, "Well I know that you got work back at the manor but at least enjoy the fact that we're going to have a breather,"

"But Madam does not look good that you are with servants...most nobles ride with nobles...not servants," The elderly woman spoke to me, the younger one nodding in agreement.

"Well then," I leaned back onto the seat, "I guess I would be the first noble to be riding with servants, and it feels great that I shall be the first." I looked out at the window, "Now what may your names be?" 

"H-Hinata Madam Kuchiki," Hinata gave a shudder as she put the towels next to her in the seat she sat in. 

"Please just call me Oka-san," The elderly woman spoke. Throughout the whole carriage ride, I told them how excited I was that I was pregnant, and the reason to going to town was because I wanted to buy some things to start sewing with. They seemed to be interested and knew a couple of places. I felt happy because they were opening up to me little by little. The carriage came to a stop as the door opened. The butler helped me and the servants down and accompanied us into the market.

"Madam Kuchiki! Please take a look at this shop! They have a great variety of the sewing materials that you were speaking about when we were in the carriage!" Hinata motioned me to come closer to a vendor.

"Why yes! They do!" I exclaimed and took a piece of soft blue cloth in my hand examining it in the sun. I searched through the pile and found many more exquisite pieces. 

"Madam Kuchiki! They have the finest of needle selling over here!" I heard Oka-san say as I heard her voice call to me a couple feet away. I grabbed an armful of cloth and dumped it onto the counter for the street vendor to count.

"I'm coming Oka-san!" I hollered to her as I paid for the cloths. The butler appeared from behind me almost frightening me to death because I didn't hear him.

"May I be of some assistance?"

"Yes, can you please find a shop that has sells some patterns of clothing that I can use for reference when sewing?" I asked him as I bundled the bags in my hands with Hinata holding the rest of the bundles.

"As you wish," He said in answer and walked away asking some of the street vendors if there was such a store. I trotted towards Oka-san and started to examine the needles.

"My they are the finest in quality! I'll take this whole pack please!" I handed the owner a big kit of different varieties of needles. The owner nodded and bagged as I paid for it.

"My lady, there seems to be a store that sells what you wanted over there a couple vendors down," The butler appeared beside me. I nodded my head and went that direction that he stated, with all of them close behind me. After a couple of hours we finally made it back to the mansion.

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