Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

He opened the door for me to enter, I gave him a nod of thanks as he closed the door behind him and walked in step with me. The room was loud and a lot of people were talking nonstop.
"Hey!" A voice called out to me, I looked their direction and saw a group of girls that stood up from their table, "Great job at the volleyball game! It rocked!" She raised her hand up for a high five. I smacked her hand a bit dumbstruck, trying to think over what I did that stunned her. Nothing. Nothing came to my head. 

"What? What did I do?" I asked finally as I set my arm down. She looked at me with a strange puzzled look, I still stared at her blankly and probably had a question mark on my face for all that I cared.

"You kidding me? The volleyball tournament! You were everywhere!" She said happily as she pretended to spike an invisible volleyball, "You're my idol!" She said pressing her palms together to the side of her face and stared at the ceiling with stars in her eyes.

"Uh thanks...I guess," I said, because I knew the real reason one else could've possibly done that other than her while I was away dealing with that hollow at the same time. I bade her good bye as I sat at a nearby table where Hikana and Keitara were sitting, and probably were waiting. Byakuya took a seat next to me and grabbed a plate. For a second I thought it was odd for him to be sitting at a table full of girls but if it was him...I don't think he really cared. Gin crossed my mind as I slowly chewed my food. Pain and shock ran through me, as I tried to swallow my food. Why did you leave? Why did you betray everyone...I set my fork down...and thought as I got up from my seat.

"Is something wrong Tsuyoi?" Keitara asked me after seeing my get up from my seat suddenly. I shook my head, only realizing I shouldn't have done that head started hurting.

"Nothings wrong" I looked at the table and the people who were eating on it, "I just need some time to all...I'll be back," I left the table stunned as I walked away. At this time and moment...what I needed best was...a walk. The door closed behind me with a creak as I exited from the main cabin. Snow cabin looked a bit lively, mainly because there were a few girls that had stayed there. Near the cabin was the forest...I walked towards that way, trying to remember the surroundings so that I wouldn't get lost on my way back. I looked above me, and the stars peeked from the branches that somewhat had made a roof over me. They twinkled and glowed since there was no light out here. Unlike back at Urahara's place.

I stepped over a fallen branch, as it blocked my way. The crickets were coming out by now, their chirping of song made it peaceful out here. Also if anyone was tailing me, I'm pretty sure that I could hear was that quiet out here. My first thought that came through me was that I think about it...he never looked back at me even once when he had made his escape with Aizen, I turned my head away brushing off a mosquito that was buzzing close to my ear. A sigh left my lips as I kept walking straight ahead in a daze. Why!? I looked towards the ground at the scattered leaves that autumn was leaving behind. What are you planning really...glancing up into the night sky. To be honest Gin...I looked down again I'm worried about you... I stopped to see that there was a pond in front of my path...a pond? 

What's it doing here? I looked behind me to see how far away I was. I was pretty far, I couldn''t even see the clearing that I came from. I gazed at the clear...and it sparkled...I touched it with the tip of my fingers. Ripples formed as I touched it, growing bigger and bigger. The water was pretty warm for all that I knew. I sat down near the edge and peered in. It was clear...too clear...So clear that I could see how deep it was. As I edged closer I could see my reflection start to appear. I reached my hands to ripple away the reflection but stopped as my hand sat in mid-air barely touching the water. Then slowly placed my fingers before my palm sunk in. My reflection...bore that same face since that day...I narrowed my eyes...fear gripped my bones when I saw that my reflection was smiling back with an evil grin...I was not smiling. A hand burst forth from the water and gripped my hand that was in it's depths already. I automatically stood up, shaking away the hand that dragged out a hollow with long hair that covered her white mask, and wore a ragged kimono...or what was left of it anyway. I thrust her back into the water with my hand and reached for my pocket in my shorts. 

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