Chapter 30

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I ran ahead without stopping trying to find his reiastu, Gin...I could hear his voice call out to me not to go in that direction. But pain and anger were all that I could feel at the moment. Finding a trace of his reiastu, I ran up the stairs that would lead up to the Sokyoku. My feet felt like they were going to give way under me since I was running up the steps nonstop. His spiritual pressure was getting stronger but then again faltering...then stronger. Who is this ryoka? And today I heard that they were going to execute his little sister!? I remembered faintly of how she looked like but that was it. How could he let the Soul Society kill his own sister!? What did she do to deserve this execution? Is that why he didn't come home yesterday? Kisuke told me that he had orders to bring his sister back with his lieutenant Renji.
His spiritual weakening...I ran even faster afraid that I was too late. I finally reached it but his pressure disappeared, he must've hid himself because I could only feel a small amount. I looked from the stairs and peeked at what was happening because I didn't know what I was up against. I saw that there were two figures. One who was wearing a haori and another...a small girl dressed in white who I identified as Rukia! The taller one I noticed from his haori was Aizen! I thought he was dead! I was about to come out from my hiding spot but I stopped to stare as he held the little girl by the throat, branches from below them appeared and held her in the air. I ran full speed ahead because from the curve his hand, I knew what he was going to do. But I was too late.
His hand was plunged into her stomach, he pulled out a small diamond shape rock and examined it in the air. I'm still too far! Wait...another figure. Gin! I saw him get ready to stretch his sword to kill the little girl who was released from the branches and was held by Aizen.
"No!" I screamed, there was a flash of white and instead, Rukia was not hit with Gin's sword...It was Byakuya! He held the blade as it stabbed through him. He gripped the sword, pulled it from him and collapsed to the ground,
"Nee-sama!?" Rukia stared in shock as he fell into her arms, "Why did you save me?" Fear pulsed through me, then was masked with anger. I ran at Aizen without thinking and shouted.
"Bankai!" I burst forth and met swords with him, he smiled as I pressed closer to him and slashed away at him. Right, left, left again. But all he was doing was blocking. I drew closer to him again and used my free hand to clench into a fist and shoved it close to his stomach, while my other hand tried to place a blow at his vital organs. His eyes glimmered with amusement as he made no movement of pain, and easily blocked my blow. I could feel my eyes widen in surprise. Taken that as a advantage, he pressed his palm harshly to my chest, the air knocked out of me. I felt my body fly back but soon regained my balance by sliding back onto the solid ground. I'll need more than this to keep me down!
I flash stepped behind him sending my zanpakuto to strike his back, he blocked it once again without even turning to face me. With a swift and quick movement of his arm he elbowed my in the stomach and gave a kick to my stomch where my kidney was located and sent me the other direction. Whipping Honoo out I swung her at him but was stopped and held by...Gin! He pulled Honoo so that I was hurdled closer to him. As he pulled me closer, I found the reaction to whip Honoo back, and I did. When I struck it out again at Aizen, avoiding Gin, it was caught in Gin's hands yet again.
"What are you doing Gin!" I yelled, trying to release Honoo from his hand. Aizen appeared beside Gin,
"Kill her," I heard Aizen say as he walked further away.
"Get back here!" I let go of Honoo because Gin's hold wouldn't let go. Running straight after Aizen with only my bare hands I jumped up sending a punch down towards his back, only to be stopped midway during the jump, he flung me to the side as if I was nothing. I crashed onto the ground my mind wondering how he was able to do that?! I'm in my strongest form yet I can't even manage to land a hit nor a blow! This is not normal...I can't get it...I tried to climb to my feet, when did he get so strong? I know that he is a captain's just unnatural...especially this spirtual pressure... it feels as if it's smothering me...Get up, I told myself mentally as my finger twitched in response. Get up, I ordered my body again. I heaved myself onto my knees.
"You don't know how to stay down do you?" Gin towered over me, I looked to the side and saw Honoo lying on the floor, but far from my reach. A beam of yellow light enveloped around Aizen, Gin and another person I didn't see appear. But soon recognized it to be Captain Tosen! Him too! What is going on!
"No!" I managed out a whisper, "Why are you doing this?" I begged him with my I trusted...why? He softened his gaze, then hardened again. He took out his zanpakuto and pointed it to me. Knowing what it could do, spreading it out to far distances stabbing whatever was in it's way. But I couldn't move no matter how loud my mind screamed, my body wouldn't obey. I waited for the blade to pierce through me, I felt a jerk send me down, pinning me to the floor but...I couldn't feel anything go through me. Gin turned around and whispered to me.
"Good bye Tsuyoi," and the yellow beam lifted him up into the sky,
"Gin!" I screamed finding the strength in my legs, I ran after him, "Wait! Come back!" I tried to break the yellow beam that was bringing him into the sky, nothing worked. Then it disappeared. I stared at the sky in silence and fell to my knees. Gin...I thought about him...then remembered about his zanpakuto, and checked myself to see where Gin tried to stab me but...there was nothing but a hole near my kimono sleeve...he didn't hit me... I looked up into the sky of where he had disappeared, what are you planning? I saw that there was a man with orange hair who was collapsed onto the ground. I assumed him to be the ryoka.
Byakuya! My senses and emotions rushed through me, as I ran towards Rukia was holding Byakuya still. She looked up at me from where she sat.
"Please," She begged me, "Take care of my brother, I need to check on Ichigo," I nodded my head and took her place beside Byakuya. His face was blood stained, his hair ornaments were broken and on the ground. Blood seeped through his haori. I opened his kimono revealing his chest. Near his heart was where he jumped to save Rukia. I tried to press my hands over the wound but it wouldn't stop! I felt tears form in my eyes as the blood flowed through my hands. The blood is overflowing through my fingers! I hugged him closer to me, trying to comfort myself that he'll live to see another day.
"Tsuyoi," I heard him whisper, his hand covered in blood wiped away a tear that ran down my face, I nodded my head as in answer telling him that I'm here.
"I'm not going anywhere," I pressed his hand closer to my cheek, and squeezed it. My heart felt so heavy...I can't think at all of what to do! Others are on the way but will they make it in time!?
"I guess you'll get your wish after all," He breathed rapidly, what wish? I thought to myself.
"What are you talking about?" I asked him, he met my eyes and closed them,
"The last thing you told me before you left...was to disappear..." He opened them again. Shock ran through me, I hugged him closer to my chest.
"No!" I cried to him, "I take it back! I take it all back! Please! I'm sorry!" I sobbed, "If I had the ability to turn back time, I would! Please don't go yet!" I hung my head, crying on his chest. He lifted my face so that I could look at him straight in the eye.
"Kiss me..." He whispered faintly. Without hesitation I did. I softly pressed them onto his lips, I felt fireworks that exploded in my heart, the gentleness of the kiss. I wanted to stop time...for this moment. His hand shifted from my cheek to the back of my head. I cried even more because...I knew this was what I wanted...all this time. I broke away from the kiss. He closed his eyes.
"I'm feeling a bit..." He paused, "Sleepy..."
"No!" I begged, "Don't go to sleep! What if you don't wake up again!" I cried watching my tears fall onto his cheek. He didn't speak.
"Byakuya?" I asked in a shaky voice, "Byakuya!" I screamed, sobbing into him once again.

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