Chapter 69

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Chapter 69
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"No Mistress you mustn't! You are with a child!" The butler pleaded me, "You seen what those quinces could do," The butler gave a glance towards the unconscious guard. 

"Yes, and that is why I must go into battle," I walked towards the door ignoring the smell of blooded that was stained on my new kimono that I had chosen.

"Absolutely not," The door opened revealing Captain Unohana of the Fourth Squad. She walked in the room with her lieutenant close behind her as she slid the door close.

"And why not?" I asked her, wondering what she was doing here because just outside of the manor I could hear the sounds of people screaming in and agony of the invasions of the quinces.
"That I cannot answer...I cannot help those that are outside because..."Captain Unohana opened her eyes to stare straight into mine, her lieutenant looked worried. Why is it throat feels so dry? "The head-captain is out in the front lines," She finished. My eyes widened as I staggered back only to fall and have the butler and servants help me sit up.

"W-what?" My eyes never lost the look that I had in them, "The quinces are that powerful that they had to have the head-captain out in the battlefield!" Captain Unohana gave a sad look.
"Yes...he has his bankai out to destroy what he should have had a thousand years ago," Captain Unohana helped me up to my feet as I struggled to in the process.

"A thousand years ago?" I asked as Captain Unohana let go of my hands, "What happened a thousand years ago?" Captain Unohana turned around from facing me. For a minute there was silence that came from her, I only heard the booms come from outside.

"A thousand years ago, when there was the battle of the quinces," She paused, then went on, "Yamamoto had failed to kill the person who is the leader of the quinces today...a thousand years Wandenreich."

"He's come to seek revenge." I said more than I asked as I clenched my hands into fist together. Now I know why I feel parched...I listened to the outside where the continuous screaming and fires continued. It was the head-captain's bankai that was out making all of us dry since his power was that of fire as well as mine. "Why are you not out in the front lines Captain Unohana?"
"........" I saw her close her eyes, "If I send my squad out now...when the battle is over there may not be many of us to help those that are wounded,"

"That is the most outrageous thing I ever heard come from your lips Captain Unohana!" I yelled as I saw her lieutenant flinch in the process of me yelling at her captain.

"This is NOT the time to act on emotion," Captain Unohana said harshly, I stopped talking right away at the sound of how her voice seemed to be a bit more of the different.

"We can only stand by and is the head-captain's last wish," Her voice softened as she closed her eyes and faced me, her lieutenant had a sad look in her eyes.

"What was of his last wish?" I looked towards the ground. Captain Unohana glanced at me as I heard a deep sigh come from her lips as she too looked to the ground.

"I cannot tell you the contents of it," She whispered to me as she looked out of the window that was in the room. I blinked and turned to my butler and servants.

"Make sure all of the guards and the servants are here in this room." They all looked at me, "Now," I ordered speaking in a low voice I don't think they ever heard before. They nodded their heads and left to follow my orders. I soon heard the pounding of feet as the servants and guards entered the room. 

"Are you searching for Captain Kuchiki's reiastu?" Captain Unohana asked me as she broke the silence that we had participated in not too long ago. I nodded my head, because I was getting scared because so far I couldn't pick up anything. My head raised suddenly as I finally found it. It seemed he was with his lieutenant. Captain Unohana's head was raised as well, for she sensed him as well. I was a bit relieved that he was still alive...until his reiastu vanished...through the window...floated in a cherry blossom petal as it made it's way to me.

"NOOOOO!" I ran towards the door slamming it open as I ran into my room grasping both my zanpakutos that I had set on on my bedside ever since I was pregnant. In a flash Captain Unohana blocked my path from leaving the room.

"You must not leave for the battlefield."

"Or what! Let him die!" I screamed at her as I shoved through running down the hallway. Tears blurred my eyes as I kept running never stopping, hoping and praying that he would still be alive. There was another flash of white as I saw Captain Unohana block my path once more. Before I could unsheathe Honoo, she raised her pointer finger and her middle finger together and touched my forehead. Instantly everything went black, but before I did I heard her say.
"I'm sorry Tsuyoi,"

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